Polytron Belleza Jumbo

The amount of busyness that must be done in the month of Ramadan makes time feel very tight, so we have to be able to manage the time so that the day's activities are sufficient for all activities.

For example, Mother's activities at home, who have to prepare the cooking time for eating iftar and sahur. But there are also mothers who cook once in a while so they can be consumed at breaking the fast and at the same time for sahur, of course with a larger number of dishes than daily meals outside of Ramadan.

Some mothers may also have experienced this during the fasting month, when we finish eating with our family there is still a lot of food left, and haven't enjoyed it yet.

In order not to waste, the food must be stored so that it can be eaten at a later time, for example after Tarawih or at dawn.

So that the food that is still a lot left is durable and doesn't change the taste / color, make sure we choose a refrigerator for storage that has a thorough cooling system and has a large storage capacity so that all food can enter the refrigerator and the food stays fresh and doesn't change taste/color.

Kulkas Jumbo Angle Kanan Black image new 1

Polytron Beauty Jumbo, as the name implies is a refrigerator with a larger capacity than a regular refrigerator, equipped with a Jumbo Cabinet, i.e. a wider shelf up to 58 cm.

The storage space on the Belleza Jumbo is more spacious so Mom can store more food. There is also an Adjustable Rack which gives you the flexibility to adjust the height between the shelves in the refrigerator so that it can be adjusted according to the contents of the refrigerator. So all containers such as vegetable pots can also go into it, you know!

Albert Fleming as a representative from Polytron said that, "The Belleza Jumbo Refrigerator is equipped with a cooling system that is more evenly distributed throughout the inner surface of the refrigerator so that cold temperatures reach all areas, both for food and beverage shelves.. The cold and even temperature allows food to be stored more durable and lasts longer and is more hygienic because it is better protected from germs and bacteria that cause putrefaction.”

Of course it will be calm if the food we cook or buy is not wasted. Nah, this is where we need to be careful and thrifty, especially in the current economic conditions.

To facilitate the selection of refrigerators, then adjust to your needs. Because Belleza Jumbo from Polytron consists of two options, namely refrigerators with inverter and non-inverter compressors.

For example, the PRW-V series type, which is a type of inverter compressor refrigerator, has an official guarantee of up to ten years, which can save electricity consumption by up to 20% from a regular fridge, it is certain that the monthly electricity bill will be more efficient and with a quieter sound because it is equipped with Low Noise technology that uses a BLDC Fan Motor so that it can reduce noise from the compressor.

"Hopefully this year's fasting month will bring blessings to all of us with food, blessed and abundant food and sustenance. Have a good fasting,closed Albert.

Read it too, Here's How To Get Used To Eating Vegetables And Fruits


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