
Home Recommendation Page 3

Transiting Guide: Short Culinary Tours in Cirebon

JUMAT is the wrong time to book train tickets for Jakarta - Yogyakarta. On weekends, car tickets are usually out of date. However,...
Destinasi Favorit

These are some of the people's favorite destinations during Eid holidays 2021

The Lebaran homecoming moment has become a habit for Indonesians to migrate or just spend Eid time with family in the village. But unfortunately the government has imposed a ban on homecoming ....
Short Escape Terbaik

7 Best Short Escape, Get rid of your satiety!

If Diva traveling feels bored, short escape is one of your choices, you know, especially if you need a short break by visiting tourist attractions in the long term...
Kepulauan Seribu

The Beauty of the Thousand Islands Sea Water Can Be Your Snorkeling Destination

The underwater beauty of the waters of the Thousand Islands is very impressive. Beautiful islands under the sea with coral reefs and delicious colorful fish make this a place for....

12 Aesthetic Recommended Places to Stay, Suitable for staycation

Year-end holidays are something that is always the moment you look forward to. Because of this pandemic, staycation is a vacation choice for many people. Gaery ...
Solo Traveling

5 Kick Maintain Body Fitness When Traveling Outside the City

TRIP out of town can free Diva Travelers from stress. Dear, body stamina sometimes drops due to fatigue and temperature differences in the destination city. No need ....

Recommendation 5 Restaurants in Jakarta for Christmas Dinner with Beloved Family

Christmas dinner has been considered a mandatory ritual for Christians who celebrate it to add to the excitement and joy of Christmas.. Celebrating Christmas with people...

Tired of the Urban Atmosphere? Let's take a peek at the recommended accommodations with a natural feel in Bandung

Bandung has always been the main tourist destination of choice for spending free time with family, spouse or close relative. Not only that, Bandung...
Wisata Virtual

Come on! Celebrate Indonesia's 76th Anniversary With Virtual Tours To These Museums

Celebrating the holidays right on the 76th Republic of Indonesia's Birthday or Anniversary, usually you will use it for a vacation with family. But unfortunately, PPKM is still valid ...

5 Culinary Tourism Recommendations in South Jakarta for Breakfast

One way to keep our brains productive in the morning is to have breakfast. During sleep, Our bodies still use fuel..
Candi Prambanan

Enjoy Ngabuburit Packages at Borobudur and Prambanan during Ramadan

In this month of Ramadan, PT. Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan, and Ratu Boko (TWC) presenting a variety of Ngabuburit packages before breaking the fast in several destinations ...

5 Facts about Cambodia, Mandatory Traveler Diva

At least there is 5 facts about Cambodia that Diva Traveler needs to know before traveling there. Thus, the trip will be smoother and more comfortable. What...
Luar Negeri

Rules of Traveling in the New Normal Era

The new normal ERA has arrived. Diva travelers can return to travel outside the city. However, There are some travel rules that need to be understood before a trip begins. The rules ....
Packing Barang

Follow this method for packing goods while traveling

Diva traveler wants to prepare for a vacation? Or just want to get out of town? It seems you need to pay attention to luggage so that it is practical and makes it easier for you. Nah, before packing ...

5 Susi Pudjiastuti's Favorite Most Beautiful Beach

SUSI PUDJIASTUTI is a businessman whose name has become increasingly prominent after serving as Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries from the Working Cabinet 2014-2019. His figure is known for his policies that ...
Resta Pendopo KM 456

Resta Pendopo KM 456, Becoming a New Tourist Destination in Central Java

Started operating at the beginning of the year 2020, New experiences can now be felt by motorists passing the Trans Java toll road, tepatnya di ruas...
Hotel Instagramable

This Instagramable Hotel in Jakarta Could Be Your Staycation Destination!

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the government has set a ban on Eid homecoming on the date 6-17 May 2021 This year. even so, for traveling Diva especially those who live ...
Candi Borobudur recommendations for auto-climbing in Borobudur

For those of you who are planning a vacation or taking a short vacation with your partner or family from the hustle and bustle of work while glancing at new trends in hobby tourism,...

Safe Traveling Tips

A friend has shared his experience while traveling in Thailand. The bag was snatched while riding the tuk tuk. For him, this is a tragedy. Reason, almost all money ...

3 This Surabaya legendary souvenir cannot be missed

EVEN THOUGH presents are not an obligation, Not a few people feel they have to give it to friends and family in their hometown. Food usually becomes the main choice ....


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