Gondangdia Station (Photo: Pingpoint.co.id)

JAKARTA not just Monas, Taman Mini and Ancol you know. Many interesting alternative destinations in Indonesia's capital city. One of them is the Gondangdia area in Central Jakarta.

Travel Diva has tried it last weekend while enjoying a charming sunset. With the Jakarta Hidden Heritage community, Travel Diva is walking through historical buildings from Colonial.

The journey starts at 15.00 WIB with the meeting point at the Joang Building 45. Then proceed to the Cut Meutia Mosque, Gondangdia Market, then Tugu Art Circle Palace. Last one, we broke our fast at Nasi Uduk Gondangdia.

For lovers of traveling, Travel Diva recommends Gondangdia as an exciting destination. There are at least five reasons why the area must be included in the short list of tourist destinations. Curious? Check these out!

1. Once paddled, 2-3 island is transcended

This proverb applies when Travel Diva is ngabuburit in Gondangdia. 4 historic buildings and 1 legendary culinary delights can be visited in time 2-3 jam. Travel Diva recommends travel starts at 3 when wanting to know more about the history of the historic buildings there.

2. The sidewalks are smooth and clean

The most comfortable walk is on clean and smooth sidewalks. The sidewalks in the Gondangdia area meet these criteria. During ngabuburit there, Travel Diva barely finds merchants, buskers and beggars. The only sidewalk filled with food vendors is opposite Gondangdia Station.

3. Budget minim

Ngabuburit in Gondangdia can be included in the wishlist of cheap traveling in Jakarta. To enter the Joang Museum 45, Travel Diva only needs to pay IDR 5,000! Entering the Cut Meutia Mosque is definitely free. If you want, may also prepare as much money as we can to fill the charity box on the saba. Not bad, streets while doing charity.

4. Reachable

Gondangdia is easy to reach from Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi. Especially if you live near a KRL station. Travel Diva experience riding KRL from Pondok Cina Station, Depok, to Gondangdia Station spend approx 30 minute. From Gondangdia Station to Joang Building 45 can walk, take an ojek or taxi with the travel time 10-15 minute.

museum joang 45
Museum How 45 in Mentang (Photo: myeatandtravelstory.wordpress.com)

5. Jasmerah

Remember the term jasmerah a la Bung Karno? Do not forget history. By going down the Gondangdia area, Travel Diva seems to be reminded of Indonesia's history. Many Colonial Traces are engraved on the building that Travel Diva went through.

The route is Gondangdia Station - Joang Building 45 - Cut Meutia Mosque - Gondangdia Market - Paleis Kunstkring Monument. To add insight, Travel Diva first reads the history of old buildings in Gondangdia through Google and books.

For all this fun, budget that must be prepared Rp50 thousand to Rp100 thousand per person including enjoying a simple meal around this area.

But, if you want at the same time culinary in a classy restaurant with a more luxurious menu, prepare an additional budget of around IDR 250 thousand - IDR 500 thousand. Enjoy exploring Gondangdia.


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