Olahan Pisang

In addition to being used as a basic ingredient for cake preparations, drink, or snack food, Bananas are also one of the most popular fruits.

Nah, apart from the delicious taste, Bananas are also rich in nutrients and flexible as food processing ingredients, which makes this skinned fruit the choice, you know!

With a variety of processed foods and beverages, bananas are usually considered to keep them in the fridge, not? But actually keeping bananas refrigerated is the right way or the wrong way, hmm?

Jeffrey Brecht, postharvest physiologist at the University of Florida, advise that it is best not to store bananas in the refrigerator.

Quoted from page, Best Food Facts, Brecht explained that bananas are tropical fruits that are very sensitive to cold temperatures.

“Bahkan dalam beberapa jam di subuh di bawah 14 degrees Celsius can affect bananas and most refrigerators are set at a temperature 1-5 level,” kata Brecht.

Exposure to cold temperatures will immediately change the color of the bananas and the appearance of the bananas will also darken.

other than that, Cooled bananas will lose their aroma thereby reducing the enjoyment when eaten. You also can't get the full nutrition of bananas because exposure to cold temperatures removes the vitamin C content of bananas.

Quoted from the page, Independent, bananas have no defense against cold temperatures in their cell walls. When exposed to cold temperatures, the cells break down until the fruit digestive enzymes come out of the cells until the banana skin turns black.

Then, what is the best way to store bananas in the refrigerator?

As Brecht also said that bananas can be stored in the refrigerator or rather freezer to then be processed into cakes or other food preparations.

Bananas are first peeled and mashed with a little lemon zest. The reason, Lemon juice will prevent the banana mixture from turning brown. You also need to put the bananas in a special container or bag freeze, of!

You also don't have to worry if the bananas in the refrigerator are already blackened, because bananas can still be used. Juri Masterchef US, Christina Tosi from Milk Bar said this black banana is like a banana cream pie.

“Untuk mendapatkan rasa pisang paling intens adalah menggunakan pisang yang sudah matang hingga benar-benar hitam dan lembek. You can’t be afraid of bananas at this stage,” ujar Christina, cited page, My Recipes.

Read it too, Try Easy and Practical Yogurt Cake Recipes!


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