Singapore Airlines

Singapore Airlines (BE) has chosen Salesforce, companies in customer relationship management (CRM), presents a new system called 1Point.

This new system is presented to develop and implement a customer complaint system (customer case) and knowledge management (knowledge management) on the airline.

A new system named 1Point will be implemented across all SIA contact centers and feedback handling units (feedback) customers globally starting the end of the year 2021.

As a dynamic case management tool, 1Point provides a contextual and comprehensive overview of each customer interaction through the interface (interface) single.

AIS service agents no longer need to switch to multiple systems to retrieve customer data, the latest information about the product, service, policies and procedures, or make transactions.

Case management and guided workflows will also be integrated with artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence) internal and machine learning capabilities (machine learning) owned by SIA.

1Point will help enhance the travel experience by supporting consistent and more personalized service across multiple customer contact points on the ground.

Travel agents will also have access to the information needed at each stage of service, including matters relating to the history of previous interactions with each customer. This allows them to make decisions quickly, as well as prioritizing customer needs more efficiently.

Marvin tan, Senior Vice President Customer Services and Operations, Singapore
Airlines explained that implementing the 1Point system was an important step in the company's digital transformation. This is an investment in the latest technology to ensure that Singapore Airlines is ready to support the needs of every customer that continues to grow in the years to come.

“Hal ini juga merupakan bukti dari komitmen kuat kami untuk memastikan bahwa para pelanggan akan terus memperoleh layanan kelas dunia di setiap tahap perjalanan,"He said.

1Point is developed by Salesforce Service Cloud and Mulesoft Anypoint Platform
to provide a seamless and integrated customer service experience.

While, Capgemini, the leading service provider in the consulting field, digital transformation, technology, and technique, will be the systems integrator for application deployment and maintenance support.

Sujith Abraham, Senior Vice President and General Manager for ASEAN, Salesforce revealed, “The past year has taught us that engaging digital experiences with customers is no longer a good thing to have (nice to have), namun telah menjadi sebuah keharusan.”

“Itulah mengapa kami bangga dapat menjadi mitra transformasi digital dalam platform 1Point Singapore Airlines guna memberikan gambaran menyeluruh mengenai para pelanggan dan memberikan pengalaman personal terbaik di kelasnya,"He added.

Meanwhile, Gaurav Modi, Capgemini's Managing Director for the Southeast Asia region, Hong Kong, and Taiwan said, “Kami senang dapat bermitra dengan Singapore Airlines dalam perjalanan transformasi digitalnya.”

Gaurav continued that data is the key to the success of a digital business, and equipped with sophisticated analytics will be able to provide insight real time to help clients meet their evolving needs. 1Point leverages this digital power to deliver an enhanced customer experience for one of the world's best airlines.

As an innovative system that leverages new capabilities to enhance Singapore's competitive advantage, 1Points also qualify for partial funding from the Aviation Development Fund (Aviation Development Fund) from the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore/CAAS).

Ho Yuen Sang, Director (Aviation Industry), CAAS said, “CAAS is delighted to support Singapore Airlines' ongoing digital transformation efforts. This project has received funding from the CAAS Aviation Development Fund. By transforming the passenger experience for SIA customers at Changi Airport, maka hal ini akan menambah layanan kompetitif hub udara kami.”

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