
Through the implementation of sport tourism, Citilink airlines provide support to 5 super priority destination.

Citilink held the Mandalika #DiIndonesiaAja #BarengCitilink Series Healthy Living event in Lombok from 26-18 March 2021, for three days this week.

President Director of Citilink, Juliandra explained that this event is an annual regular program in the field of sport tourism. Where the goal is to introduce tourism destinations in Indonesia.

Nah, different from before, The Citisport event this time was supported by the Ministry of Communication and Information and other stakeholders. His passion is to introduce 5 super priority destination.

“Mandalika merupakan destinasi pembuka dan untuk selanjutnya series tahun ini akan digelar di destinasi-destinasi super prioritas lainnya dengan menghadirkan unique point dari masing-masing daerah,"He added.

The plan, after the event held in Mandalika, the next event will be held in Borobudur, Toba Lake, Labuan Bajo, Likupang and closed in Bali. Each in a super priority destination.

“Lewat acara ini Mandalika dapat makin dikenal oleh masyarakat dan peserta dapat menikmati indahnya destinasi wisata di Indonesia,” lanjut Juliandra.

The event entitled Healthy Living #DiIndonesiaAja #BarengCitilink Series Mandalika in Lombok has also started this Saturday. (27/3/2021).

Where the participants were symbolically released this morning at around o'clock 06.00 WITa. They will also circle 4 points in Mandalika which is famous for its beauty along the route 57 Km.

Anyway, After this pandemic Citilink has operated three flight routes to Lombok, namely from Jakarta, Surabaya and Bali. In the future, Juliandra hopes, if the condition will get better again.

“Alhamdullilah belum setahun kita sudah bisa tiga penerbangan. We set three definite regular flights from Jakarta, Surabaya and Denpasar, because the demand has been formed now. Hopefully this will continue to go up,” tutup Juliandra.

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