Tur virtual. (Foto: 3 Indonesia)
Tur virtual. (Photo: 3 Indonesia)

IMPRESSION the government so that people move at home during the Corona pandemic has created a new trend. Because it is impossible to travel outside the city and country, virtual tours are becoming a trend. Not a few travelers who take a virtual tour to treat their longing for walking activities. This activity continues until the new normal era like now.

This virtual tour technology is diverse. Some use photos 360 level, Street View technology as well as video-based reviews. The use of technology also affects the needs of the virtual tour audience quota. As an operator providing cellular telecommunications services, 3 Indonesia was intrigued to conduct trials related to data consumption of several popular virtual tour sites. Trials were conducted to help parents and children choose virtual vacation features during school holidays like now.

"With features like Street View technology and video, we can imagine what it's like to explore a favorite tourist spot without having to leave the house,” kata Chief Technical Officer Hutchison 3 Indonesia. We hope our technology and products can help customers enjoy their virtual holidays,” kata Desmond Cheung. What the test results are like 3 Indonesia? Here is the answer.

Tur Virtual Street View

Compared photos 360 degree and video review, virtual tours based on Street View technology turned out to be the most cost-saving quota. Based on the results of the virtual tour testing at artsandculture.google.com/entity/national-monument/m03q7hs, np360.com.hk/en/ / explore-n360 / virtual-visit and artsandculture.google.com/entity/Borobudur-temple-compounds/m0805zhg using a smartphone, average quota requirement for 30 minutes is 30MB. Economical, not?

Virtual Photo Tours 360 Level

If Street View requires a 30MB quota, Photo-based virtual tour 360 degree of consuming as much data 4 fold. 3 Indonesia has tested it on airpano.com/360photo/Eiffel-Tower-Paris-France, airpano.com/360photo/raja-ampat-indonesia-max and airpano.com/360photo/millennium-un-plaza-hotel-new-york-night. The average quota usage for taking a virtual tour using a smartphone via the link is 120MB during 30 minute.

Tur Virtual Video Review

Rather than 2 other technologies, Virtual tour based on the most wasteful review of quotas. The average quota requirement for streaming 720p quality panorama tourism videos is 350MB for a virtual tour during 30 minute. Testing is done by watching live streaming using a smartphone via the youtube.com/user/Expedia channel, youtube.com/user/LonelyPlanet and youtube.com/user/TheIndonesiaTravel.

From the results of the trial 3 Indonesia, diva travelers now have an idea of ​​how much quota is needed when taking baby on a virtual tour. Have a virtual tour with family!


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