As an effort to overcome the crisis of the increasing number of the COVID-19 virus, The government has set the extension of the Emergency PPKM from 3 Last July until 25 July 2021 in Java and Bali.
This Emergency PPKM rule is applied, people are advised to stay at home. As long as you're at home, Diva traveler must often feel busty, not? Especially if you have already scheduled your vacation.
Nah, so you don't get bored at home, Diva traveler can take advantage of your style of vacation at home, like opening a virtual travel site below.
Apart from spending your time at home, This step will also remain safe for you and your beloved family, you know!
Museum Louvre

To enjoy the Louvre Museum, Diva travelers don't have to go all the way to Paris. You can visit the site Collections.louvre to simply enjoy the collections of the Louvre Museum, including the famous onalisa painting.
Tembe Elephant Park
Tembe Elephant Park is a national park located in South Africa. Diva traveler can see wildlife that has various types, like a lion, rhinoceros, leopard, bulls and elephants.
Interestingly, through a Youtube channel called Explore Africa, Diva traveler can observe the life of wild animals there live!
The highest peak in Yosemite National Park
Yosemite National Park is located in the Sierra Nevada of California. This park, which is famous for its giant sequoia trees, is apparently old, you know! There is also a waterfall and also a camping place with a charming view.
Diva traveler will enjoy various beautiful sights in this Yosemite National Park and also this park is equipped with maps and descriptions with high-quality photos.
You can visit the site,, of!
Hopefully 3 The site above can be useful for Diva travelers during the PPKM Emergency just at home, of!
Read it too, Pandemic Resistant Vacation Plans? Come on, Virtual Walking Tour on This YouTube Channel!