Syarat Nail Kereta Api
PT. KAI Daop 1 Jakarta

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic until now, We are used to implementing health protocols in our daily activities. One of them is using public transportation, like a train.

Nah, so that prospective passengers are not careless when boarding the train during this pandemic, PT KAI again reminded a series of health protocols. Cited page,, The statement is based on PT KAI's press release, in accordance with Ministry of Communications Circular Letter No. 69 Year 2021.

In the circular letter, prospective passengers are asked to run 5M. 5M which consists of wearing a mask, wash hands with soap in running water, keep distance, stay away from the crowd, reduce mobility, avoid eating together, and use hand sanitizer.

Train passengers are in good health, which means they don't have the flu, have a cold, cough, loss of smell diarrhea, and fever. Also, body temperature not more than 37,3 degrees Celsius.

other than that, a three-layer cloth mask or a medical mask that covers the nose and mouth must be used by passengers. Passengers are not allowed to talk one way or two ways by telephone or in person during the trip.

Passengers are also not allowed to eat and drink during the trip for trips that are less than two hours. This is with the exception of individuals who are obliged to take drugs in the context of treatment which if not done can endanger the safety and health of the person.

The most important part when taking a long distance train, calon penumpang diwajibkan sudah menjalani vaksinasi minimal dosis pertama dan menunjukkan surat keterangan hasil negatif tes RT-PCR maksimal 2×24 jam atau Rapid Test Antigen maksimal 1×24 jam sebelum jadwal keberangkatan.

When prospective passengers board the Train, Travel conditions must also be known in advance.

Start 14 September 2021, Prospective passengers taking local trains are required to have at least the first dose of vaccination. For STRP documents, Assignment Letter, or other certificates are no longer a requirement to take local trains.

PT KAI has integrated the Peduli Protect application with the system boarding KAI. This integration is realized through the collaboration of KAI and the Ministry of Health which aims to make it easier for prospective passengers, expedite the document inspection process, and avoid document falsification.

Next, for passengers with special health conditions or comorbid illnesses that prevent them from receiving the vaccine, must attach a doctor's certificate from a government hospital stating that the person concerned has not and/or is unable to take part in the Covid-19 vaccination.

Passengers aged below 12 years still not allowed to travel by train.

other than that, PT KAI also applies strict rules during the trip. Joni Martinus selaku VP Public Relations KAI, reminded the public to always comply with the established health protocols.

These various health protocols were prepared by the government in an effort to ensure that the Covid-19 pandemic can be controlled and the economy can recover.

KAI strictly and consistently ensures that all customers apply health protocols in a disciplined manner. KAI only allows passengers who meet the requirements to board the train.

“Layanan Kereta Api tetap hadir untuk membantu mobilitas masyarakat yang tetap harus bepergian di masa pandemi Covid-19. KAI always complies with all government policies in terms of handling Covid-19 on rail transportation modes,” ujar Joni.

Read it too, Make your journey easier, PT. KAI and Bluebird Present First Mile-Last Mile Service


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