Consuming fruit before eating is a healthy way according to the advice of expert doctors. But what if you have gastric disease??
In fact, when the stomach is empty, it turns out that there are some foods that you should avoid so as not to hurt your stomach. As quoted on the page, Brightside, even though it's healthy, The fruits below are not good if consumed on an empty stomach, you know!

Besides being classified as a fruit that is good for our health, Pears can also remove yellow stains on the teeth and bad breath, you know!
However, it turns out that the crude fiber found in pears will actually injure the delicate mucosa if consumed on an empty stomach.
Tomatoes are not only good for our health, but also for our skin health. But, eating tomatoes is something we should avoid when our stomach is still empty.

This is because the acid content in tomatoes can increase acid levels in the stomach, This causes the lining of your stomach wall to be injured.

Who doesn't like this one? Apart from pears and tomatoes, You also shouldn't eat bananas when your stomach is empty.
The reason, Eating bananas on an empty stomach will increase magnesium levels which are harmful to your heart.

It turns out that cucumber is also one of the foods that should be avoided on an empty stomach, you know even though it's good for our health. Eating cucumber can make your stomach bloated and bloated.
Read it too, Increase your immunity during a pandemic with this healthy diet