Betawi food is not just egg crust, uduk rice, pecak gurame, vegetable babanci, but also rangi cake, you know! Rangi cake or it can also be called sago rangi is a legendary Betawi cake served with the addition of thick brown sugar..

Rangi cake ingredients are made from a mixture of grated dry coconut with palm sago. Sago is not ordinary flour sago, you know! But it must be sago palm. Unique, if using regular sago, the dough is not so chewy and not good to eat.

Quoted from, CNN Indonesia, This Rangi cake is a cooking process without oil and uses wood coals which are then ground. After that the dough is put into an iron mold that looks like a pancong or bondros mold.

Underneath, Hot wood charcoal will cook the dough. Not just ripening the dough, This wood charcoal also gives a unique taste sensation to the cake.

Kue rangi - Wikipedia
Photo Source: Wikipedia

To give it a sweet taste, On the top of this Rangi cake, brown sugar thickened with starch is smeared.

The lovers of this Rangi cake will definitely know the special pleasure that is served. This Betawi specialty cake has a crunchy texture but is soft and chewy as well as savory and sweet brown sugar.

A serving of Rangi cake is usually peddled in a row the size of the cake mold which is thin but wavy underneath. Usually this cake is served with rice paper cut into rectangles the size of the cake.

Unfortunately, The ingredients for making this Rangi cake really can't be stored until the next day because they are prone to stale.

This cake is most delicious if you eat it warm. When the texture of the cake is still crisp but soft and the brown sugar is still melted well. It's a different story when it's cold, teksturnya bakal sedikit alot dan gulanya juga sudah makin ‘lengket.’

You can enjoy this Rangi cake with a cup of plain hot tea or hot bitter coffee, you know! Guaranteed to complement the already sweet taste.

Read it too, Walnuts So 7 The Main Ingredients of Special Foods


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