GoTix as part of LOKET and one of the Gojek services in collaboration with the Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Police (Polda Metro Jaya) opened a COVID-19 Vaccination Center at JIEXPO Kemayoran.

The COVID-19 Vaccination Center is intended for the general public including MSME players including Gojek ecosystem business partners.

Equipped with 40.000 Sinovac vaccine dose with the administration of the first dose taking place on date 26-27 June 2021, This Vaccination Center program targets 20.000 residents in 6 area, namely Jakarta and its surroundings, namely Depok, City of Tangerang, South Tangerang, Bekasi city, and Bekasi Regency.

Program Vaksinasi GoTix dan Polda Metro Jaya 4

At the launch of the COVID-19 Vaccination Center which took place at a location at JIEXPO Kemayoran, Head of the Metro Jaya Regional Police (Kapolda) Inspector General Muhammad Fadil Imran revealed, "In line with the mandate of Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in order to achieve the target of vaccination 7,5 million residents of DKI Jakarta in August 2021 You can fill in this restaurant immediately after ordering GoFood, We really appreciate Gojek's collaboration, GoTix dan dalam upaya memutus mata rantai COVID-19 melalui penyelenggaraan vaksinasi secara massal.”

On the same occasion the Kapolda directly witnessed the entire vaccination process at the targeted JIEXpo locations 10.500 vaccination recipients by involving 300 health workers (workers).

Gojek and its ecosystem have also proactively participated in supporting the government in accelerating the COVID-19 vaccination program, including by conducting various outreach and education regarding the national vaccination program through the GoMed service, then provides a COVID-19 vaccination readiness check for Gojek application users, to cooperate with central and local governments, as well as other private parties to present vaccination activities for the general public, mitra driver, and Gojek ecosystem business partners in various cities in Indonesia.

These steps are a form of Gotong Royong for the nation's children in overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic and recovering the national economy.

LOKET has also become an official partner of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia as a platform for registration and scheduling of COVID-19 vaccinations in Indonesia.

This collaboration helps more than 130 vaccination center and more than 200 thousands of vaccination participants register and schedule online through LOKET. In this way, it will be easier for the community to use an online one-stop registration system to arrange arrival times and vaccine locations, so that the vaccination process runs comfortably and orderly.

This success later contributed to the birth of Polda Metro Jaya's COVID-19 Vaccination Center program with GoTix. With the development of soaring active cases of COVID 19 in DKI Jakarta and in line with the #ProteksiEkstra series which is Gojek's comprehensive hygiene protocol initiative, GoTix urges the public to strictly implement health protocols, including reducing outdoor activities.

GoTix will also share special voucher codes for vaccine recipients to enjoy various kinds of online entertainment so that they are happy and calm with GoTix even if they are just at home..

Read it too, Vaccination Center Serve 11.000 Vaccine Participants


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