This time, the Surakarta City Government cooperates with, Halodoc and Gojek health platforms to carry out Covid-19 vaccinations for all residents of the City of Solo.

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They picked up Surakarta Gibran Rakabuming Raka, accompanied by the Head of the Surakarta City Health Office Siti Wahyuningsih, Co-Founder and CEO of Halodoc Jonathan Sudharta, and Konimex Group CEO Rachmadi Joesoef visited on the first day of the COVID-19 vaccination service initiated by the Surakarta City Government with Halodoc and Gojek during the Emergency PPKM period..

Located in Pendhapi Gede Sala, This vaccination post is expected to provide additional protection for more than 10.000 the people of the city of Solo in the midst of increasing positive cases of COVID-19 in various regions.

Starting on Monday (5/07), One dose of COVID-19 vaccination activities will be carried out during 10 the next day until 15 July 2021.

Meanwhile, the second dose will be done on 2-12 August 2021 at the same location. The target participants who can register themselves are the elderly (minimal 60 year), pre-elderly (minimal 50 year), and the general public (minimal 18 year).

Gojek's seriousness in the vaccination program, This is also realized by launching a new feature that allows customers to see the driver partner vaccination status on the order page in the application. This latest feature is available on the latest version of the Gojek application.

dr. Irwan Heriyanto, MARS as Chief of Medical Halodoc also provides several recommendations for Solo residents who have just received the first dose of vaccine. Among them, i.e. First, Post-vaccination symptoms are very likely to occur and make the body produce mild reactions such as dizziness, fever, pain in the injection area, or nausea.

This is very natural, if residents experience this after the observation is over, make sure to immediately take Paracetamol and the symptoms will improve by itself.

However, if there are residents who feel that the symptoms have been prolonged or the intensity of the pain continues to increase even though they are already taking medication, contact the vaccination PIC listed on the vaccine card or use the telemedicine service from home.

Next second, which is to follow the protocol during the Emergency PPKM period including avoiding activities outside the home for the next few days. If possible, do work from home (Work from Home) so that the possibility of transmitting the COVID-19 virus is lower while the body is still in the adjustment stage with the vaccine.

Third, Get plenty of rest and eat nutritious food. Consumption of pure green coconut water can also help strengthen the body's immune system.

And fourth, even if vaccinated, does not make the body immune to COVID-19. Therefore, always apply the 5M health protocol, i.e. Using a mask, washing hands, keep distance, avoiding the crowd, and reduce mobility.

Residents are also recommended to use double mask protection (double mask) by covering medical masks with cloth masks to reduce the potential risk of transmitting the COVID-19 virus.

The vaccination at the Surakarta City Hall can be carried out smoothly thanks to the support of various parties, termasuk Konimex, Danone Indonesia, L'Oreal, and Allianz.

Read it too, Polda Metro Jaya With GoTix Opens COVID-19 Vaccination Center Program in Jakarta


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