Kepulauan Seribu

Opened special diving trip to the Thousand Islands, DKI Jakarta makes diving tourism will soon rise.

Cited page,, The head of the DKI Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Agency, Gumilar Ekalaya, promised that diving tourism could be exempted from restrictions on activities, as stated in the Ministry of Home Affairs regarding Tirta tourism..

This was said in a meeting between the Indonesian Professional Diving Association (P3I), Indonesian Diving Business Association (PUWSI) and Gahawisri with PLT, Tuesday (24/8).

Gumilar said that diving tourism can be categorized as Lex specialis from Tirta tourism because of the nature of underwater activities that have minimal contact and are not followed en masse..

“Mudah-mudahan dalam beberapa hari ini kajian Kami selesai dan wisata selam di Kepulauan Seribu bisa dibuka kembali,"He continued.

The decision to open a dive tour, will be discussed with relevant agencies such as the Department of Transportation, Sports Department, Health Service and Satpol PP in DKI Jakarta.

Gumilar also advised if diving tours were to be reopened, implementation of CHSE (Cleanliness (Cleanliness), Health (Health), Safety (Security), and Environment Sustainability (Environmental Sustainability) that has been made is applied to the maximum.

other than that, Abi Carnadhie from P3B emphasized that the tourism industry players have completed the CHSE blend since last year and have implemented and audited almost most of the diving industry..

“Kami menghimbau kepada pelaku wisata selam di Kepulauan Seribu agar mematuhi CHSE karena ini jadi barometer penerapan serupa di seluruh Indonesia," he explained.

In addition, the Chairman of PUWSI Ricky Soeraputra also supports the reopening of the Thousand Islands Region specifically for tourism during, because this will encourage the rise of the populist economy of residents who have long depended on the tourism business.

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