
When Diva traveling is traveling somewhere, Have you ever thought that the journey home is faster than leaving??

If yes, Turns out there's a scientific reason, you know why when on the way home traveling so feels faster than leaving.

Nah, reported on the page, Brightside, hal ini berkaitan dengan fenomena yang disebut oleh para ilmuan sebagai “Efek perjalanan kembali”.

The researchers assumed that the return journey was noticeably quicker, because previously you were more familiar with route the journey taken.

Reason, moment traveling to a new place, Of course, you don't know your surroundings and the road you're on.

Nah, usually because you have passed the same road, of course you become familiar with the road and the surrounding environment on the way home.

So, on the way home, it doesn't affect the feeling of time, you know!


Change that, quoted from The Washington Post, There is a study that explains this phenomenon. To solve this, researchers from Japan conducted research by watching movies.

Study participants were asked to sit in a dim room and watch a full-length film 20 minutes recorded while the cameraman was walking around town.

Several participants were asked to report any time they thought three minutes had passed.

They also watched two films, and then asked to judge which was longer. One group took the round trip, while the second group made two one-way trips with the same period.

The result, the researchers found that the group that made the round trip experienced a quicker return journey.

While, those who made two one-way trips did not experience the phenomenon. But it is not known for certain why this happens.

But, psychologists have several theories. One of which is, the return trip effect has to do with regard to time itself.

When one pays more attention to the passing time, for example when you are running late and keep checking your watch, time seems to run longer. But, if they are distracted by more interesting things, time went by noticeably faster.

How is Diva traveling, never felt the same way?

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