SORE into the night. The sun is gone. The moon woke up from a deep sleep. Accompanied by the stars, the moon gives light over the sky Lembang.
Is the Tent Under the Stars to be a vacation spot this time. The tents were lined up on the grass covered ground. From the tents in the form of the Apache Indian tribe house, Paradiva can watch Disney movies on the big screen.

Tents Under the Stars are contemporary cinemas. The location is located in the area of The Green Forest Resort. Carrying the outdoor concept, picnic as well as social distancing, This place can be an alternative for Paradiva who is thirsty for traveling during a pandemic.
The concept of social distancing can be seen from the distance between distant objects. Paradiva may be wondering. Besides watching, what else can be done there. This is the answer. Enjoy a delicious meal with a natural view of the city of Bandung while breathing fresh air.
The surroundings were filled with trees so the air there still felt fresh. Unlike the office environment in urban areas filled with skyscrapers. Fear of not being able to stand the cold?
No need to worry. The management provides blankets for tent tenants. Do not miss it, There are also pillows available so Paradiva can really relax while there.
Tents Below Bintang are ideal for a weekend staycation. Or, on weekdays for Paradiva who works as a freelancer. There are a number of tips that you can do while on vacation there. First, reservation before coming. The aim is to ensure that Paradiva still gets a place when visitors are busy.
Information about how to make a reservation can be seen through Instragam @tendadibawahbintang. One thing to note. The opening time for the Tents Under the Stars depends on the weather. When the weather is clear, This place is open at 5 sore.
Punch 5 Afternoon is the best time for Paradivas who want to hunt and capture the atmosphere at sunset. Before leaving, make sure Paradiva brings warm clothes. Especially if you are used to living in hot climates or can not stand cold air. Sweaters and jackets are the right choice to protect the body from the wind and the cold temperature of the Tent Below the Stars.
Tired of spending time at home alone? Time to visit the Tent Under the Stars for a picnic. Don't forget to adhere to health protocols.