Cafe is a place to hang out and relax with friends, most visited family or partner, because the atmosphere and theme of each cafe is diverse, many people often travel to various cafes while feeling a new atmosphere. Bogor is famous for its very beautiful and soothing natural atmosphere, there are many cafes by combining the natural surroundings and making your relaxing atmosphere at these cafes more interesting and calming. Nah, below Traveldiva has 5 recommendations for cool and contemporary hangout places in Bogor with beautiful views for Paradiva to visit. Let's see!

1. Kopi Daon

Kopi Daong

Daong Coffee is one of the cool and modern hangout destinations for Paradiva to visit. Daong Coffee was first opened on 10 April 2019. With the concept of coffee in a cool pine forest, plus some spots that made it very interesting, making daong coffee is never empty of visitors. Located in Pancawati, Caringin District, Bogor Regency, West Java. Daong Coffee has a very unique concept, That's what makes visitors always flock here, especially on weekends or holidays. The menu offered here is also quite affordable, around Rp 20.000 – IDR 50,000 only.

2. Cafe is the same as Sand Wind

Next, there is the Same Cafe with Pasir Angin which is located on Jl. Haji Sobari Raya, RT 02 RW 03, Kampung Babakan Sirna is exactly behind the CIMB Niaga Earth Learning Center, Wind Sand Village, Megamendung District, Bogor city, West Java province. The food and beverage menu ranges from Rp 40.000 – Rp 100.000. Although quite expensive but Paradiva will pay for the atmosphere and scenery offered by this cafe.

3. Nicole’s Kitchen and Lounge

Then, The hangout place in Bogor that Paradiva can visit is Nicole's Kitchen and Lounge. Located in Kampoeng Brasco, Jl. Hanjawar No. 1 Cimacan, Cianjur, Peak, Bogor. This Nicole's Kitchen and Lounge building is available 3 very spacious floor. This place to eat is suitable for gatherings with large families. Or it could be for gathering with community friends. The menu offered here ranges from Rp. 20.000 – Rp. 100.000 only.

4. People Coffee

The Popolo Coffee building that stands in the middle of the Sentul Tradition Park trees is dominated by glass. The culture produces natural lighting while making the atmosphere cool. This Popolo Coffee has three branches in Bogor which are located on Jalan Loader No. 9, ️, Bogor. The second branch in the middle of Taman Istiadat Sentul and the third branch in Jalan Rasamala No. 16, Bogor.

5. The Lake House Bogor

Last one, there is The Lake House located in the same area of ​​Pesona Alam Resort, Zoo. Right here, have a simple main building, just rectangular in shape with red brick which gives a natural effect. The table chairs and decorations are simple, but the view and placement of the dining room in the middle of the pool is very instagramable. The prices offered at this cafe are also pretty standard, and the menu here is also more western food.

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