Religious Tourism

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Masjid Agung Demak.

JELAJAH MASJID: 1,5 Hours of Religious and Historical Tour at the Great Mosque of Demak

TRAVELING to Bali by land became one of my favorite holidays when I was in junior and senior high school. A father with a soul ...
Masjid Agung Ciamis. (Foto: FB Ikatan Remaja Masjid Agung Ciamis)

JELAJAH MASJID : Unique, There is a Date Tree at the Great Mosque of Ciamis

Great Mosque of Ciamis. In Indonesia, Great Mosque of Ciamis. However, Great Mosque of Ciamis.
masjid cut meutia

JELAJAH MASJID: Cut Meutia, Historic Mosque Without Dome

THE BUILDING is sturdy, with a typical Dutch Colonial design. The building called Cut Meutia Mosque is also unique. If jelly, Travel Diva can see that Cut Meutia...
Masjid Langgar Tinggi. (Kredit foto: Indonesia Hidden Heritage (IHH)

JELAJAH MASJID : Tracing the Footsteps of Yemeni Merchants at the Langgar Tinggi Mosque

MASJID Langgar Tinggi. Not many people know this mosque. The location is in Arab Village, Pekojan, West Jakarta. Talk about Pekojan, This name is taken from the word ‘Khoja’ ....
Pameran Artefak Islamic Fair pada 10-19 Maret 2023 di Masjid At Thohir. (Kredit Foto: MBN)

45 Artifacts left by Prophet Muhammad SAW on display at the At Thohir Mosque

New religious tourism DESTINATION in West Java, The At Thohir Mosque in collaboration with PT MBN held an Islamic Artifact Exhibition today...
Kerajaan Islam di Jawa

Religious Tourism to the Palace, Following 5 The Legacy of the Islamic Kingdom in Java

If you talk about history in Indonesia, it will never end, one of them is traces of the legacy of the Islamic kingdom on the island of Java. Quoted from...
Pameran Artefak Islamic Fair pada 10-19 Maret 2023 di Masjid At Thohir. (Kredit Foto: MBN)

Exhibition of Islamic Artifacts Enlivened by Al-Quran Memorization Training

Exhibition of Islamic Artifacts Fair at the At Thohir Mosque, cimansteen, Depok, West Java on 10-19 March 2023 presenting the event "Memorizing the Al Quran as Easy as Smiling" together...

GWK Charm: Balinese Arts Performances Capture the Hearts of Tourists!

Traveldiva - Among the various tourist destinations in Bali, GWK (Garuda Wisnu Kencana) is one of the most popular among tourists, Good...

Floating Mosque, The New Charm of Tanah Bumbu Religious Tourism

Traveldiva - For Muslims, The month of Ramadan adds a religious nuance to everyday life, some of them are religious tourism. Something similar also happened in....

4 Historical Destinations in Jakarta to Commemorate the G30S PKI Tragedy

Traveldiva - The G30S PKI tragedy that occurred in 30 September 1965 became one of the darkest events in Indonesian history. Every year, many people...

Pyramid-like Hills in China: Mysteries of Alien Works or Natural Wonders?

Traveldiva - In the midst of the hustle and bustle of global news and events, An archaeological discovery is drawing the world's attention back to ancient mysteries. This time, a hill that...

Construction of Ciboleger Terminal for Baduy Tourism: Investment Rp 1 Billion for Tourist Convenience

Traveldiva - The Lebak Regency Government continues to strive to improve accessibility and comfort for tourists visiting the Baduy cultural area. One of the strategic steps is....
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