Bekasi city (Photo:

TOURISM Bekasi doesn't really hear the echo. even though, The city, formerly known as Dayeuh Sundasembawa, has several interesting tourist objects that are not well known to residents outside Bekasi.

Not only that. The culinary also varies. Travel Diva had the opportunity to explore culinary spots there while taking a virtual tour with Lave Bekasi. What are the culinary tours that must be tried when visiting Bekasi? Check these out, ladies!

1. Your soup

Located in Kayuringin, West Bekasi, This restaurant, which was founded by Mrs. Sumarni, serves Soto Betawi combined with lean beef plus savory coconut milk. Even without fat, Soto Betawi is an artificial meal that was founded 1972 this tastes delicious. No wonder this soup stall is always crowded with visitors..

2. Pempek Gaby

Pempek Gaby in Bekasi exists in several areas. The store has its own characteristics, namely predominantly purple, and it is always crowded with a line of visitors ordering pempek. The types of pempek offered there are complete, starting from scratch, underwear, aan, submarine to skin. If you stop by Pempek Gaby shop, Don't forget to taste the Palembang crackers that are there, Diva Traveler!

3. Gabus Pucung restaurant

In Bekasi, Pucung cork is quite popular. The shape is similar to rawon but the basic ingredients are cork fish. Several restaurants in Bekasi that offer a corkpucung menu include Gabus Pucung Mandor Juki in Jatiasih and RM Khas Betawi Udin Combo in Harapan Indah, North Bekasi. Diva Traveler just has to choose the closest location.

4. Asen Meatballs

Meatballs located on Jalan Patal, Bekasi city is quite legendary, you know, Diva Traveler. Since it opened at 10 morning, Asen meatballs are usually sold out before the o'clock 12 noon. Make you curious, what level of delicacy is like? For visitors who bring vehicles, Bakso Asen also provides a parking area. So Diva Traveler doesn't have to bother looking for a parking space

From 4 culinary place in Bekasi, what number did the Diva Traveler most curious about? Type the answer in the comments column below, of.


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