Kuliner Khas Serang
Photo Source: Kompas.com

Indonesian cuisine is indeed famous for a variety of foods that are unique to each region. One of them is the typical culinary of Serang which is no less delicious than other regions with its culinary specialties in Indonesia.

Not only famous for its beautiful natural scenery, In fact, Serang also has its own culinary specialties, you know! Quoted from several sources, as 5 This special culinary that you must eat if you visit Serang, of!

Milkfish satay

Usually this one food is identical to chicken or goat meat, not? However, the dish is different from this typical Serang satay, namely milkfish satay that does not use chicken or other meat.

Mencicipi Sate Bandeng, Kuliner Khas Banten - pesonaindonesia.kompas.com
Photo Source: Kompas.com

This Milkfish Satay is actually made from milkfish whose thorns are cleaned first. Besides that, this Serang specialty has a sweet taste, savory added with spices will be delicious eaten with warm rice or uduk rice.

Oh, of! Sate Bandeng is also one of the favorite culinary in the city of Banten, you know!

Gerem Asem

Actually you can find Gerem Asem food in several areas of Java Island. However, Gerem Asem specially from Serang serves grilled chicken or duck first.

Resep Gerem Asem Bebek atau Ayam - Kuliner Khas Serang Banten
Photo Source: Antero.co

This one-of-a-kind soup and spicy dish is prepared with seasonings sprinkled like red onions, clove, Brown sugar and starfruit make a distinctive taste.

boiled potato slices

In ancient times, Rabeg is the food of the Sultans of Banten which can be found in Cilegon or Serang.

Resep Rabeg, Makanan Khas Banten yang Cocok buat Sajian Lezat Lebaran
Photo Source: IDN Times

This typical Serang dish is made from mutton which is cooked long enough so that it has a soft texture.

Almost similar to beef stew with thick gravy without coconut milk, making Rabeg has a distinctive sweet and savory taste, you know!

Marrow Grilled Rice

This marrow-grilled rice is almost similar to otak-otak food. Reason, the process of making it with banana leaves and stabbed and then cooked by burning.

Resep Nasi Bakar Sumsum Khas Banten, Satu Porsi Mana Cukup!
Photo Source: IDN TImes

Made from processed mixed with buffalo or cow spine, Marrow grilled rice is guaranteed delicious and tasty. The smell is appetizing, especially after it's burned.

This marrow-grilled rice is also usually accompanied by other side dishes, like pieces of chicken or anchovies.

Sambal Buroq

Sambal Buroq can also be a complement to foods that are typical of Serang with the unique ingredients.

Sobat Budaya on Twitter: "Banten - Sambal Buraq https://t.co/wAT5OvtUwo #KodeNusantara #PresidenAjakDataBudaya… "
Photo Source: Twitter.com

The sauce, which is usually found before holidays such as Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr, is made from the skin of the melinjo fruit and then seasoned with red onion., garlic, bay leaf and candlenut.

Nah, if you can't wait, You can buy Buroq chili ingredients at the market or supermarket because the ingredients for this chili sauce are easy to find.

Usually the Buroq sambal goes well with side dishes like rabeg, marrow roasted rice, chicken braised in coconut milk, beef stew and others.

Read it too, Visit to West Java? Don't Forget to Taste This Typical Culinary


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