Outbound or Outward Bound is a form of self-development activities carried out outdoors. Outbound adopting experiential learning methods or learning from experience by using game media. During outbound, participants are usually invited to actively participate in various fun games (fun game) and training team building whose theme is adjusted to the goals of the participants.

One of the keys to success outbound lies in the choice of location. There are many tourist attractions and hotels that offer outbound, however, not all locations and facilities meet the requirements. There are several basic criteria that should be met for the activity outbound. Following 4 location selection outbound from Traveldiva.id.
1. Field
Although training can be done indoors, according to its name, outbound has a definition as a means of outdoor learning. Thus, the location must have an area for outdoor activities such as a field. The field should be wide because usually the game is divided into two or more groups and each group will play in a different location. The area of the field must meet these needs.
At night, The field can be used as a place to strengthen a sense of togetherness and team cohesiveness through bonfires and karaoke together. Companies can also explore the team's image in the eyes of employees during the bonfire and then carry out joint improvement efforts when they return to the office.
2. gazebo-like building
During outbound, trainers and participants must bring several items such as game tools, cellphone (cellphone), small towel, and food and drink. In the rainy season, the chance of rain when outbound activities take place can also occur.
Therefore, Diva Traveler should choose a place that has a pavilion. The pavilion can also be used as a place to rest when participants feel tired.
3. Medical facility
Minor accidents can happen at any time outbound. For example, participants suffered minor injuries or sprains due to slipping on the wet grass due to the rain. Considering this, it is good if there is a health room in the outbound location or close to the clinic.
Another alternative is Diva Traveler bringing first aid equipment and medicine in an accident (P3K) like red medicine, plaster, bandage, cold compress, and pain relievers. This first aid kit will come in handy when a participant gets injured due to slipping.
4. Game Facilities
order goals outbound right on target, for example to train the speed of decision making, teamwork and courage, gaming facilities on site outbound also need to pay attention. Outdoor games like flying fox, paintball, and cobwebs can help achieve goals outbound. Besides that, it can also bring pleasure and satisfaction to the participants, especially those who have never tried these games.
Prepare outbound requires mature preparation in order to achieve the goal, participants have a pleasant experience, and no minor or serious accidents occurred during the activity. Though not all companies have enough human resources to prepare outbound, especially if held outside the city.
To avoid the hassle of setting up outbound, It is better for Diva Traveler to use the services of a third party who has experience in holding outbound for the company. Diva Traveler's company or extended family is planning to organize outbound, but don't want to bother with the preparation? Just contact Traveldiva.id.