Commemorating Kartini's Day which falls every date 21 April is synonymous with memories of Raden Adjeng Kartini (R.A Kartini). Nah, this time Travel Diva will discuss about Ibu Kartini and her place of residence until the end of her life from various sources.
Raden Adjeng Kartini who was born in Jepara on 21 April 1879 and then settled in Rembang until they died. Having courage in the struggle for education for women made their life history interesting and worthy of respect.
The beginning of the beginning, Raden Kartini in Rembang with her husband after marrying the Regent of Rembang K.R.M Adipati Ario Singgih Djojo Adhiningrat.

After that, the building where he lives until now functions as a museum which is named the Museum R.A Kartini Rembang. The R.A Kartini Museum itself is located at Jalan Gatot Subroto Number 8, Rembang City District, precisely located 100 meters east of the town square of Rembang.
The same thing with the typical Javanese buildings in the past, the Museum building was made with a five -roofed roof. This museum still maintains its original form, just look at the use of door frames that still look very classic.
There are various collections of R.A Kartini's relics that visitors can enjoy at this Museum. Such as ceramic household appliances, teak wood carvings, bed, sewing machine, dining table with plates, to the nursery.
At the R.A Kartini Museum, Raden Kartini founded a women's school to teach girls to recognize letters and numbers to open horizons of knowledge..
Front View of RA Kartini's House Building
How? The building looks like the former Dutch era architecture, of?
Quoted from page,, The museum, which was once the home of Raden Kartini, is a silent witness to her struggle to become the national hero for women's emancipation..
When viewed from the building, it is still sturdy with distinctive woods as the frame of the building.
other than that, there are still many personal belongings belonging to RA Kartini that are stored. As, RA Kartini's photos, letters sent by Kartini to her pen pal, Abendanon in the Netherlands, and many more.
Kartini's house which is synonymous with green and white
The house building which eventually became the R.A Kartini Museum is synonymous with white and green. You can also see that the ceiling of the house is still covered with wood and old lamp accessories.
Because this house is used as a museum, of course the effects of ancient buildings are still very thick and not removed. The door and window models also still look very old school, you know!
After married, Raden Kartini started living in this house which became a Museum in 1958 1903. However, timeframe only 11 month. Because Raden Kartini died in 1999 1904, four days after giving birth to her son, Raden Mas Singgih Soesalit.
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