We tend to think of low energy as a physical problem. But, the reality is that experiencing low energy levels, especially on an ongoing basis can begin to impact our broader well-being, including our ability to be productive and achieve the goals we want when on the move outside of our day to day.

So, quoted from the page, Olivemagazine, Below are some of the best energy boosting basics to help you feel energized every day!


This may seem insignificant, but hydration is important when it comes to energy.

For example, You know what, hmm that water accounts for approx 75% brain mass? Research has shown that even mild dehydration can damage aspects of brain function such as memory, concentration, and mood, while rehydration relieves fatigue, restore attention, and a bright mood.

Eat a balanced diet

Food for energy doesn't have to be complicated, but it must be balanced.

Nah, to increase your energy, looks like you need a healthy diet consisting of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Because the body needs these raw materials to function optimally.

This may sound simple, but the best way to ensure that you feel energized throughout the day is to feed your body with a balanced diet, you know!

Read food labels

The truth is that some foods will increase our energy levels, while others will remove it, like sugar.

As a general guideline, foods that are less nutrient dense, that is, having a lower concentration of nutrients per gram tends to be less energizing.

You need to think about processed foods like packaged bread, cake, biscuits, chips, pastry, microwave, and ready meals versus fresh fruit, vegetables, biji-bijian, nuts, fish, and meat.

The latter can work with the body to feed our energy mechanisms, while the former often lacks nourishing energy while also being relatively high in trans fats, salt and also sugar, you know!

Watch your sugar intake

Sometimes, sugary foods can be better for you and can also increase our body's energy. Because sweet foods are a necessary treat.

However, Too much sugar can also quickly deplete your energy by raising blood sugar levels which can then lead to disease later on.

Nah, for your energy boost from sugary foods, ideally you can enjoy foods with added fiber, protein or fat to slow digestion and allow a more stable increase in blood sugar.

Start to move

When you feel tired, a little exercise can help increase energy, especially for those of you who live a lifestyle with activities that don't require much movement.

Start a little exercise at home for three minutes, walk for 20 minute, or run for an hour. Guaranteed you will reap energetic benefits!

Reassess your workload

Overwork can not only make you tired, but for many of us it can also be stressful.

In the short term, your body can release extra glucose into the system to provide an energy boost when stressed. However, this mechanism will not be maintained during chronic stress.

other than that, stress increases cortisol, your body's stress hormones. Too much cortisol in your system can disrupt your sleep and other hormonal cycles, makes us feel even more drained of energy in the long run.

Manage expectations

When you feel there are too many demands from work, family, friend, homework, Your energy can start to wane.

Although reasonable expectations can be positive stress in life, too much pressure can also cause stress, and finally exhaustion, you know!

If you feel overwhelmed, seek advice from someone with an outside perspective, like a friend, family members, or a counselor.

Too often we place completely unrealistic expectations of ourselves, just to be aware, in fact it is not necessary.

Take some time to think about what activities are most important to you and then try to see how you can delegate or put down other tasks for a while..

Optimize your sleep cycle

Sleep is the only time the body needs to restore many important functions such as immunity, temperature setting, and the hormonal balance it relies on throughout the day.

If this important rejuvenation cycle does not occur, Your energy level during the day can be disturbed.

Although the optimal sleep cycle varies with age, The National Sleep Foundation advises that between 7-9 hours are best for most adults. Too much or less and it can affect your energy, you know!

Don't forget to laugh

Even though laughter is an indirect way to increase your energy, in fact laughter is still useful, really!

In fact, laughter increases oxygen in the body, reduce feelings of stress, and stimulates the release of chemicals called endorphins. The effect can make you feel better and of course it can give you a new sense of energy quickly.

Read it too, Do it 5 This is so that your activities are safe during a pandemic


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