The pandemic condition, which until now has not ended, forces us to stay healthy even though we do lots of outside activities. However, keeping your body in good health also needs to be your priority during this pandemic.
Nah, so that your daily activities remain safe, quoted from the page, DetikHealth, 5 important things below you can do.
Healthy Nutritious Food
Consuming healthy and nutritious food can certainly keep your body healthy. You can consume a balanced nutritious diet and multiply fruits and vegetables.
Nah, for those of you who have activities outside such as work, You can bring supplies so that the food you eat is kept healthy and clean.
Basking in the sun also provides energy to the T cells, one of the cells that play a role in the immune system.
For that so that your activities run smoothly, maintaining endurance and immunity is a must that you need to protect, one of them by sunbathing in the morning. Vitamin D in the morning sun is very good for maintaining your immunity, you know!
Multivitamin available
Prepare a multivitamin to be something you can not forget during this pandemic.
In addition to eating a balanced nutritious diet and sunbathing diligently in the morning, You can also increase endurance by taking a multivitamin such as dietary supplements, vitamin C, vitamin E., Vitamin D and other vitamins to boost the immune system from exposure to viruses.
Exercise regularly
Apart from consuming nutritious foods, sun, as well as taking supplements and vitamins, You can do regular exercise too.

If you do this step regularly, the body will become fitter so that when you carry out activities it will be smoother.
Apply 5M
Last but not least, apply the compatibility protocol namely 5M. When outside the home or on activities outside, You need to adhere to the recommended health protocols from the government.
The 5M is meant to use a mask, keep distance, washing hands, reduced mobility and away from the crowd.
Read it too, recommendations for auto-climbing in Borobudur