Who eats a lot of pastries during Eid at their relatives' house? Dishes of various kinds of pastries during Eid are very tempting, But do you know the dangers of your body's health when you eat too much pastries??
Quoted from the CNN Indonesia page, Lebaran cakes are usually in the form of pastries that are high in sugar and carbohydrates.

The taste is good but not filling, making this food not enough to eat, so that the body doesn't feel the excess calories coming in.
Nah, anything, hmm the danger of eating too much Eid cake? Here below are some explanations. Listen, of!
Weight Gain
Lebaran cakes that contain a lot of flour are apparently found to contain fructose which can trigger hunger and have the potential to increase glucose levels.
Of course, consuming too much fructose can cause resistance to leptin, important hormone that regulates hunger, thus interfering with signals to the body to stop eating.
Increases the Risk of Heart Disease
As we know that consuming too much sugar can cause obesity, inflammation, increase the risk of heart disease, and high triglycerides.
Then the results of a study conducted involving more than 30 thousands of people found that those who consumed 17-21 percent of calories at risk 38 percent higher death from heart disease.
Growing Acne
Eating sweet foods can quickly increase blood sugar and insulin levels, you know! Then this is what causes an increase in androgen secretion, oil or sebum production, and inflammation, as a trigger for acne growth.
Increases Cancer Risk
Due to the high sugar content, Consuming too much Eid cake can also increase the risk of developing cancer, you know!
This is evidenced by studies that reveal that women who eat sweet breads and cakes more than three times per week, 1,42 times more likely to get endometrial cancer.
Increases the Risk of Type Diabetes 2
Another disease that will be obtained due to high sugar consumption is obesity. Obesity is also one of the strongest risk factors for diabetes.
What's more, long-term consumption of high sugar promotes insulin resistance, a hormone produced by the pancreas that regulates blood sugar levels.
This insulin resistance can cause an increase in blood sugar levels thereby increasing the risk of diabetes.
Higher Depression Risk
Eid cakes that are consumed with lots of processed foods, including high-sugar products and sugary drinks, are also associated with a higher risk of depression.
Nah, Researchers believe that changes in blood sugar, disregulasi neurotransmitter, and inflammation can be the reason for disturbing mental health, you know!
Based on studies examining 8 thousands of people indicated that men who consumed 67 grams or more sugar per day depression 23 percent higher than those who ate less than 40 grams of sugar per day.
Accelerates Skin Aging
Careful, Consuming too much Eid cake can cause wrinkles which are actually a sign of natural aging.
However, poor food choices can speed up the skin aging process and worsen wrinkles, you know!
Eating too many foods high in carbohydrates and sugar can damage collagen and elastin, which is a protein that can help the skin stretch and maintain a youthful appearance. When collagen and elastin are damaged, skin loses its firmness and starts to sag.
Nah, some of the dangers of consuming excessive Eid cakes above you can overcome if you are wise in eating them, of so as not to interfere with your health in the future.
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