but there are a variety of other specialties that are no less delicious, but there are a variety of other specialties that are no less delicious, you know because oil is a source of fat which if consumed in excess can inhibit weight loss.
But, don't get me wrong first, doesn't mean you shouldn't consume oil while on a diet program, of! Because the nutrients from oil are also still needed by the body. Nah, for that you need to choose a good type of oil for your diet program.
Quoted from several sources, good oil for the diet generally does not contain saturated fat which is often associated with an increased risk of heart disease.
Meanwhile, dietary oils are healthy oils with unsaturated fats that can help the body absorb vitamins, protect body organs, and serve as an energy reserve.
Then, anything, hmm the type of oil that is good for you to consume while on a diet program. Check it out below, of!
Olive oil
This popular oil is often chosen for diet programs because it has healthy fats that can prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer. Olive oil extra-virgin contains antioxidants that can prevent cell damage while helping to lower blood pressure.

Although it has good benefits, Olive oil consumption should still be limited as well, you know! In 1 bay leaf strands (15ml) olive oil is available 119 calories and 13,5 grams of monounsaturated fat.
Canola oil
Canola oil is also a good oil for your diet program, you know! The reason is that this oil comes from the seeds of the broccoli family plant with a dosage of usage 1-2 bay leaf strands.

Quoted from page, WebMD, Canola oil is rich in alpha-linolenic acid as well as omega-3 fatty acids which help with weight control.
Canola oil can also be used for sautéing, grilling, and as a salad dressing.
Oh, of! Avoid using canola oil for deep frying deep frying because it can trigger an increase in fat in food.
Coconut oil
Coconut oil is a type of oil extracted from old coconut meat which contains medium chain triglycerides as lauric acid which can reduce weight..

Quoted from Healthline, Research shows coconut oil can reduce inflammation, increase heart-protective HDL cholesterol, and increase insulin sensitivity.
Coconut oil is also safe for consumption in limited quantities, namely no more than 10 ml, three times a day.
Almond oil
Not only is it high in monounsaturated fat, Almond oil also contains vitamin E which has been shown to reduce body fat and promote weight loss, you know!

In 1 bay leaf strands (14 gram) almond oil is present 119 calories, saturated fat 1,1 gram, monounsaturated fat 9,4 gram, polyunsaturated fat 2,4 gram, and 26 percent vitamin E.
But unfortunately almond oil is only recommended for sautéing and baking cooking techniques. other than that, can also be mixed into salads or pasta.
Avocado oil
Avocado oil is known to have high oleic acid, potassium, and B vitamins. When consumed with vegetables, This oil can increase the amount of antioxidants that prevent inflammation.

Avocado oil is included in the category of good oil for the diet because it is enriched in monounsaturated fats and functions to improve heart health.
Read it too, Start Healthy Life With These Vegetarian Dishes!