Even though Eid al-Adha is over, Usually the sacrificial meat will be distributed to the community in large quantities, even endless to consume.
Reason, it is possible that some residents immediately processed the sacrificial meat and some processed it a few days later. Nah, so that the meat is durable and does not emit odors, You need to know how to store sacrificial meat in the refrigerator or freezer properly and correctly. Quoted from the Raillynews.com page, here's how!
Don't Wash Meat
One of the most common mistakes many people make is washing meat. Sacrificial meat that is washed before being stored in the refrigerator or freezer will give off an unpleasant odor.
other than that, water that absorbs into the meat after washing makes the quality of the meat decrease, you know!
Meat Must Be Cut In Small Pieces
You need to know that the preservation and storage of slaughtered meat is very important for human health. The sacrificial meat must be cut into small pieces, not too big, then put in an airtight container.
Besides being able to save space, Slicing the meat will make it easier to process the meat after it's frozen.
Do Not Thaw Meat at Room Temperature
You need to transfer the meat to a special shelf under the freezer before processing and let it thaw slowly.
Methods such as heating on the stove and keeping at room temperature aim to thaw the meat quickly, will have harmful consequences for human health.
Store Meat in Low Temperature
It is important for you to know that sacrificial meat must be stored in the refrigerator freezer. When the meat wants to be stored for a long time, meat can be stored in the freezer for several weeks at minus temperatures 2 level.
For longer storage times can be measured at minus temperatures 18 level. This temperature can freeze the meat and lull the bacteria in the meat which makes the meat last longer.
Read it too, Try the East Java Processed Meat Menu during Eid al-Adha