CREATIVE Hub Indonesia Hidden Heritage (IHH) held the Indonesian Hidden Heritage Week Festival (IHHW) 2021 on 21-30 next October. This festival will be held virtually and will feature more than 100 panelist during 10 day.
"During 10 participants will be invited to add insight related to history-based tourism,said the Founder of IHH and Executive Director of IHHW 2021 Nofa Farida Lestari.
On the third day, 23 October, by IHHW 2021 there will be a museum & Gallery Live Talks: The Archipelago Underwater Treasure. Participants can follow it on IG Live @indonesiahiddenheritage at 10.00-11.00 WIB. This event presents the Director of Marine Services, Directorate General of Marine Spatial Management, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Dr. Miftahul Huda |, M.Si.
at hour 11.00-12 WIB, The event continued with a Virtual Tour of Indonesian Sea Tribe Culinary via Zoom guided by content creator Idfi Pancani. As a creative hub, IHH also called Meet & Greet Community to share the story of Heritage and Marine Tourism Adventures on 4 City.
Then there is the Talk Museum: Historic Ports in Indonesia featuring the Head of the Indonesian Maritime Museum Dr Tinia Budiati and Daeng Mansur Amin from the Sunda Kelapa Heritage Community.
No less exciting, there will be an Online Workshop themed 'Promoting Your City Heritage' at 16.00-17.00 WIB. To close the third day's series of activities, IHH invites travelers to join the Nobar with IHHWF acara 2021 via Teleparty at 7-9 night.
Exciting, can? Let's register via Instagram @indonesiahiddenheritage. Don't miss the excitement of the third day of the festival, okay?!