All tourist objects in Klaten were declared officially closed by the Regency Government (Regency Government) Klaten, Central Java on weekends.
Cited page,, Regent of Klaten, Sri Mulyani said that the policy to close all tourist objects was based on the recent increase in the distribution of Covid-19 cases in Klaten.
As the Task Executor said (PIt) Head of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports of Klaten Regency, Sri Nugroho on the site,, that it is true according to Circular Letter (I KNOW) Regent of Klaten then on date 18 June 2021 all Klaten tourist attractions are closed every Saturday-Sunday.
Nugroho also continued that the policy was contained in SE Regent of Klaten No: 443.5/129 regarding Extension of Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) Micro-Based for Controlling the Spread of the Covid-19 Virus in Klaten Regency.
In the letter, in point q number 6a it is written for all tourist attractions in the form of nature tourism, tirta tour, religious tourism, and cultural/historical tours are closed on Saturday and Sunday, in the first and third week.
The letter is dated 15 June 2021 also signed by the Regent of Klaten, Sri Mulyani. The rules regarding other tourist attractions are listed in that section, that is, All tourist attractions in the form of nature tourism, tirta tour, religious tourism, and cultural/historical tourism is subject to maximum visitor restrictions 30 percent and hours of operation until 15:00 WIB.
The tourism business is like an entertainment venue, karaoke, cafe, game online, sports venues and other similar businesses that are in the red zone at the RT level (Neighborhood Association) closed, while those in the green zone, zone day, and the orange zone is limited to 10:00 p.m 21:00 WIB with the maximum number 30 percent of visitors.
Tourism managers and game rides or other types are required to provide standard safety equipment and facilities and ensure the feasibility of facilities and infrastructure according to existing SOPs for the safety of visitors according to health protocols.
In terms of tourist destinations that are in the red zone at the RT level, then community activities in tourist destinations are prohibited and tourist attractions are closed to the public.
And the implementation of strict health protocols in public facilities/tourist locations.
Launching from the page,, Previously, Sri said that while her party was still waiting for the SE formulation from the Regent of Klaten regarding the policy of closing the Klaten tourist attraction at the weekend.
“At present all tourist attractions in Klaten are still operating with hours that refer to the Klaten Regent's Circular Number 443.5/118 regarding Extension of Micro-Based PPKM for Controlling the Spread of Covid-19 in Klaten Regency,” close Mr.
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