Creative Hub Indonesia Hidden Heritage (IHH) held the Indonesia Hidden Heritage Week festival (IHHW) 2021 virtually on 21-30 next October.
IHHW is a festival dedicated to travel lovers, holiday, adventure, and history. “Indonesia Hidden Heritage Week berbeda dengan festival-festival wisata lain yang pernah ada karena para pemangku kepentingan pariwisata berbasis sejarah dapat saling berbagi wawasan dan pengalaman. Even, does not rule out the possibility of collaboration in the future,” kata Founder IHH sekaligus Direktur Eksekutif IHHW 2021, Nofa Lestari Farida.
At IHHW, stakeholders in the tourism industry can network and exchange ideas about the potential for developing historical tourism in the country.
The festival will be enlivened with various interesting activities such as on the fourth day, Sunday 24 October 2021, there will be a 'Live Talk' activity : Situs-Situs Prasejarah Indonesia Yang menggemparkan Dunia’ di IG @indonesiahiddenheritage pada tanggal 24 October 2021 o'clock 10.00-11.00 WIB, ‘Meet & Greet Community : Mengembara di Bumi Purba’ Melalui Zoom pukul 14.00-15.00 WIB.
No less interesting, di hari keempat akan ada ‘Ritual Mumifikasi di Indonesia with Faisal Firdaus’ melalui Zoom pukul 13.00-14.00, ‘Photography Workshop Mengabadikan Heritage Di Balik Lensa’ melalui Zoom pukul 16.00-17.00 WIB. Rangkaian kegiatan hari kedua diakhiri dengan ‘Nobar Film Hell Gate – Gerbang Neraka With IHHWF’ pada jam 19.00-21-00 WIB.
Rangkaian kegiatan hari keempat akan diakhiri dengan ‘Nobar Film Hell Gate – Gerbang Neraka With IHHWF’ pada jam 7 to 9 night.
All activities are open to the public and free of charge without registration fees. Absorbed, can?