CREATIVE Hub Indonesia Hidden Heritage (IHH) support the plan to establish the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) initiated by the Ministry of National Development Planning (Ministry of VAT)/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) by participating in the initial historical data collection stage of the role of the National Hero Dr Adnan Kapau (IF) Gani as one of the pioneers in the establishment of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, including his work in political history, Indonesian economy and culture in Palembang, South Sumatra on 8-12 November 2021.
This stage is carried out by conducting direct exploration to the AK Gani Museum, Palembang City Museum Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin 2, State Museum of South Sumatra Province Balaputera Dewa, Garuda Sriwijaya Subkoss Museum Lubuk Linggau, Sriwijaya Museum and Bayt Al Quran Museum as well as an interview with the Head of the Palembang City Culture Service Agus Rizal, Head of the Palembang Archives and Library Office Gunawan, Humanist and Historian Raden Fatah State Islamic University Palembang Pack Ari Panji, Historical Journalist Dudy Oskandar, and the Founder of the Palembang Cultural Heritage Friends, Robby Sunata.
“Indonesia Hidden Heritage appreciates the idea of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas to establish the Bappenas Museum. Armed with experience in digitizing the archives of the AK Gani Museum, We are optimistic that we can contribute positively in extracting accurate data regarding Dr Adnan Kapau Gani's role in politics, Indonesian economy and culture,"said the Executive Director of Indonesia Hidden Heritage as well as the Chair of the Advancement of Museums in Indonesia, Nofa Farida Lestari on Wednesday, 9 November 2021 during a working visit to the AK Gani Museum, Palembang.
According to the Associate Planner of the Ministry of National Development Planning (Ministry of VAT)/Bappenas Ismet Mohamad Suhud, The five-day working visit to Palembang was the initial exploration stage of AK Gani's data search. “After we search, AK Gani is the forerunner to creating a planning agency, so we are very interested in exploring the documents related to his work. Based on these facts, The Founding Team of the Bappenas Museum visited the AK Gani Museum in order to explore the collections of the AK Gani Museum which is more comprehensive so that it is very meaningful to be used as an exhibition material for the Bappenas Museum later,"explained the Middle Expert Planner of the Ministry of National Development Planning (Ministry of VAT)/Bappenas Ismet Mohamad Suhud.
The establishment of the Bappenas Museum was motivated by the history of Bappenas which had an important role in the formation of the Indonesian state because the forerunner of Indonesia departed from the concept of economic and agricultural planning which developed into a multi-sectoral institution coordinated by the Minister of National Development Planning/head of Bappenas., both central and provincial.
“The hope for the Bappenas Museum is that the government has a museum that is very interesting in knowledge. There is founding father, especially fighters who are closely related to national development, is a pride for the nation's children, Ismet said.
The result of this work visit to Palembang was to obtain information about the role of AK Gani in the field of development as one of the pioneers in the establishment of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas..
“Selain AK Gani, The Founding Team of the Bappenas Museum will also explore and examine the role of previous Bappenas ministers such as Mohammad Hatta, Mohammad Yamin, Ali Sastroamidjojo and New Order figures,” concluded Ismet.
The AK Gani Museum, represented by Priyanti Gani, welcomed the plan to build the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) which will feature national figure Adnan Kapau Gani..
About Indonesia Hidden Heritage
Indonesia Hidden Heritage (IHH) is a creative hub founded by Nofa Farida Lestari and Sriwulantuty R O. Since it was founded on 10 November 2018, IHH actively carries out various activities to develop and promote heritage tourism destinations in Indonesia. Through various creative and collaborative programs, IHH aims to strengthen the professionalism of Heritage Tourism management by paying attention to tourism trends that are developing dynamically and increasing tourist interest and visits in heritage tourism destinations. All programs and information related to Indonesia Hidden Heritage can be accessed through the Indonesia Hidden Heritage Facebook page and Instagram @ indonesiahiddenheritage and the IHH channel at
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