Traveldiva – Beach club construction project in the Krakal Beach area, Ngestirejo, Tanjungsari, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, received serious attention from the Governor of DIY, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono. In his statement, Sultan highlighted licensing issues and the environmental conservation impacts that the project might have.
Reportedly, Sultan emphasized that until now there has been no communication made by the Gunungkidul Regency Government regarding the construction of the beach club, one of the investors is the famous artist Raffi Ahmad. Sultan emphasized that because the project location is in the Gunungkidul area, Full responsibility regarding permits and development implementation falls on the Regent of Gunungkidul.
Furthermore, Sultan stated that there needed to be an in-depth study of this project. This is important to determine whether the development is in a protected karst area or not. Karst areas are very sensitive areas and have high conservation value. “Jika pembangunan dilakukan di kawasan karst yang dilindungi, clearly that is wrong and should not be allowed,” ujar Sultan.
Sri Sultan also reminded us about rules that cannot be ignored regarding development in karst areas. This rule is regulated in Ministerial Regulation No. 17 Year 2012 regarding Guidelines for Community Involvement in the Environmental Impact Analysis and Environmental Permit Process. This regulation emphasizes that the karst area is a cultural heritage, no buildings are allowed that could damage the geological structure and conservation value of the area.
Further, Sri Sultan emphasized that development must consider various aspects, including environmental impacts and conservation sustainability. “Pembangunan di kawasan karst yang dilindungi tidak mungkin dilakukan tanpa kajian yang mendalam. Things like this should be considered very seriously,” Ujar Sri Sultan.
Karst area in Gunungkidul It is known as an area with high geological and conservation value. Therefore, development in these areas requires very strict analysis and permits to ensure that no damage is caused to the surrounding environment.
Licensing and environmental conservation issues are the main concerns in every development project, especially those in sensitive areas such as karst. Regional governments must ensure that every permit issued has gone through a comprehensive environmental study and involves various related parties, including the local community.
Respond to this, The Gunungkidul Regency Government is expected to immediately provide clarification and conduct a review of the beach club construction project. This step is important to ensure that all procedures have been fulfilled and there are no violations of applicable regulations.
With highlights given by Sri Sultan, It is hoped that there will be concrete action from the Gunungkidul Regency Government to re-evaluate the beach club construction project at Krakal Beach. This is important to preserve the karst area which has an important role in the ecosystem and the lives of local communities.