Japan is known to be the country with the most centenarians, i.e. people who can live to the age of more than 100 year. Not a few Japanese people are known to have a long life, and accompanied by a good level of health.

According to a study, Japanese people live longer than people in any other country in the world second only to citizens of Monaco. Average life expectancy in Japan is approx 85,3 year. As a comparison, American, rate-rate, live up to 80 year. Nah, it turns out that the main key to a long and healthy Japanese life is in a healthy diet. Let's look at some healthy Japanese eating patterns that Traveldiva friends can follow.

Evidently, eating slowly and not in a hurry is one of the Japanese eating patterns. Not without reason, this will give them time to communicate well over meals with family and friends, so that it will produce happiness as well as increase intimacy. On the other hand, Chewing food properly and slowly is also very important for the work of the body's digestive system.

Then another healthy eating pattern is to adjust your meal portions. Actually this is already common for some people, but the Japanese really do it right and it has become a habit. In Japan people don't eat food just to fill their stomach.

Next, Japanese people oblige themselves to have breakfast. Breakfast has indeed become one of the important habits before starting the day. Japanese people think breakfast will make them fuller and prevent unhealthy snacking. Soybean is a food that is often used for Japanese specialties. As natto, fermented soybeans. other than that, Soybeans are also processed into various foods such as milk, miso, and tofu because soy is called a source of carbohydrates, protein, as well as fats that are good for health.

Last one, by regularly consuming matcha or green tea. This tea is known to contain nutrients that are good for health, which is rich in antioxidants and good for skin health.

Read Also, Not Only Virtual Tour, You Can Shop Souvenirs in Japan!


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