
Traveldiva – City Bandung has a number of interesting museums which are suitable for children to visit during school holidays. With a diverse collection and educational activities, These museums don't just provide entertainment, but also an opportunity for children to learn while playing.

Nah, Below are several recommendations for museums in Bandung that children would be a shame to miss:

1. Indonesian Postal Museum
An interesting place to see stamp collections from home and abroad. This museum has experienced a long history, and now offers an engaging experience for visitors. Not only that, The Indonesian Postal Museum also displays other historical objects, which makes the visit even more memorable.

2. Barley Museum
It was founded to exhibit the works of the famous painter Barli Sasmitawinata. Apart from the art collection, This museum is also a place for various artistic activities. With an inspiring atmosphere, visitors can experience the beauty of art while expanding their knowledge.

3. Asian African Conference Museum
Store important documentation from the Asian-African Conference in 1955. This museum provides insight into the history of relations between nations in Asia and Africa. By presenting valuable historical documentation, This museum is a unique educational destination for children.

4. Sundial Science Center
Offers an interesting scientific collection, including the largest sundial in Indonesia. This place is suitable for sparking children's interest in science and technology. With affordable ticket prices, Visitors can enjoy various exciting scientific explorations.

5. Bandung Geological Museum
With a collection that includes thousands of rocks, mineral, and fossils, This museum is a great place to learn about geology. Through interactive exhibitions, children can understand more deeply about the formation of the earth and its natural wealth.

6. Sri Baduga Museum
Offers a diverse collection, starting from the hour, light, to everyday tools. This museum provides insight into life in the past. With an atmosphere thick with history, Children can experience a fun learning experience.

7. Museum Wolff Schoemaker (Preanger) Dedicated to the memory of the work of the Dutch architect, This museum presents a stunning collection from an influential figure in Bandung's architectural history. Visitors can understand more deeply about the architectural beauty and history of the city of Bandung through this museum.

8. UPI National Education Museum: It is an interesting educational destination, This place invites visitors to explore the history of Indonesian education through diverse collections. With a friendly and informative atmosphere, Children can develop their understanding of the importance of education.

9. Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum: It is an important place for storing military history in West Java. This museum provides insight into the role of the TNI-AD in maintaining state sovereignty. With an authentic collection, This museum is an inspiring destination for visitors interested in military history.

10. Gedung Sate Museum
Apart from being a historical building, This museum displays the architectural beauty of Gedung Sate and its rich history.
Visitors can explore the inside of this iconic building and understand its important role in the history of West Java.

With a wide selection of interesting museums and educational activities presented, Children's holidays in Bandung will become more colorful and useful. So, Don't miss the opportunity to visit these exciting museums with your family!


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