
Traveldiva – This year's long holiday for the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW has triggered a significant increase in traffic flow in the Jabotabek area. PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk reported that as many 561.066 vehicle leaving Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi (Jabotabek) in the period Friday to Sunday, 13-15 September 2024, or D-3 to H-1 of the long holiday.

This data was taken from four main toll gates, namely the Toll Gate (GT) Cikupa (towards Merak), GT Ciawi (towards the Peak), as well as GT Cikampek Utama and GT Kalihurip Utama (to Trans Java and Bandung). Menurut Corporate Communication & Community Development Group Head PT Jasa Marga, Lisye Octaviana, The total traffic flow leaving the Jabotabek area has increased by 23,40% compared to normal conditions.

Vehicle Distribution Increases in Three Directions

The traffic flow leaving Jabotabek is spread in three main directions, namely the East direction, West, and South. The East direction is the most dense, with 275.189 vehicle or around 49,05% of the total vehicle flow, moving towards Trans Java and Bandung. As much 151.134 vehicle (26,94%) towards the West, namely Peacock, temporary 134.743 vehicle (24,02%) heading south, or Peak.

In detail, for vehicles heading east, as much 128.747 vehicles pass through GT Cikampek Utama towards Trans Java, which shows an increase 45,85% compared to normal traffic. Meanwhile, 146.442 vehicles pass through GT Kalihurip Utama towards Bandung, increased by 32,42% from normal conditions. The total flow towards the East reaches 275.189 vehicle, or increase 38,38%.

Meanwhile, for West direction towards Merak via GT Cikupa, recorded as much 151.134 vehicle, naik 8,63% from normal traffic. On the other hand, the flow of vehicles to Puncak via GT Ciawi reaches 134.743 vehicle, with an increase 15,48% compared to normal conditions.

Jasamarga Ready to Face Increase in Vehicles

Facing a surge in vehicle volume during the long holiday, Jasamarga appealed to road users to prepare themselves well before entering the toll road. Make sure the vehicle is in prime condition, enough fuel, and sufficient electronic money balance. Jasamarga also suggests using rest areas if you feel tired while driving and always obeying traffic signs and directions from officers in the field..

Lisye Octaviana explained that Jasamarga had made various efforts to anticipate traffic jams. Among them is ensuring that the toll equipment works properly, increase the number of officers, as well as deploying mobile readers to speed up transactions at main toll gates. other than that, The deployment of officers at points prone to traffic jams is carried out to speed up handling if vehicle disruption occurs on the toll lane.

"Jasamarga is also ready to support traffic engineering at the discretion of the Police, such as a contraflow system, by placing officers and supporting signs. We ensure that toll road maintenance services run optimally, especially facing the potential for high rainfall which can affect road conditions,"He added.

Rest Area Facilities Improved

Not just on toll roads, Services at rest areas have also been improved for the comfort of road users. Jasa Marga ensures that public facilities such as toilets and prayer rooms function properly. other than that, additional security and cleaning personnel were also carried out, as well as placing more trash cans to maintain cleanliness in the rest area.

"We continue to coordinate with the police regarding the policy of opening and closing rest areas based on available parking capacity. This step was taken to ensure the comfort and safety of road users,Lisye concluded.

With various efforts made by Jasamarga, It is hoped that traffic flow during the long holiday period can be well controlled, so that road users can travel safely and comfortably.


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