Belajar Cryptography with Museum Sandi

CREATIVE Hub Indonesia Hidden Heritage (IHH) held the Indonesian Hidden Heritage Week Festival (IHHW) 2021 on 21-30 next October. This festival will be held virtually and will feature more than 100 panelist during 10 day.


"During 10 participants will be invited to add insight related to history-based tourism,said the Founder of IHH and Executive Director of IHHW 2021 Nofa Farida Lestari.


On the seventh day, 27 October 2021, by IHHW 2021 there will be a Workshop 'Learning Cryptography with the Password Museum'. Participants can follow it via Zoom media at 13.00-14.00 WIB. This event presented Diah Ayu Runi Rahmadhany from the Sandi Museum as the speaker and Jennifer as the host of IHH.


at hour 14.00-15 WIB, the event continued with 'Meet and Greet Community’ via Zoom to explore Indonesia's military heritage and defense sites.

Then there is also 'Film Discussion With IHH: General Sudirman’ via Teleparty at 15.30-17.30 WIB.

As the closing of the seventh day series of activities, IHH invites travelers to join the 'I GLive Talk . event: 'Icon City’ Defense Heritage Sites in Indonesia, Explore Surabaya and Ambon'.

Exciting, can? Let's register via Instagram @indonesiahiddenheritage. Don't miss the excitement of the seventh day of the festival, okay?!


WhatsApp Image 2021 10 18 at 15.19.39 1
Meet and Greet Community


WhatsApp Image 2021 10 18 at 15.19.39 3
IG Live Talk: 'Icon City’ Defense heritage sites in Indonesia, Explore Surabaya and Ambon.


WhatsApp Image 2021 10 18 at 15.19.39 2
Film Discussion with IHH: General Sudirman


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