JAKARTA, 30 October 2021 – Festival Indonesia Hidden Heritage Week (IHHW) 2021 held by Creative Hub Indonesia Hidden Heritage (IHH) since 21 October 2021 ends on Saturday, 30 October 2021. The series of festival events closed with the "Heritage Tourism Development Forum" which presented the Head of the Cultural Protection Division of the DKI Jakarta Culture Service, Norviadi Setio Husodo., Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Sub-Department (Parekraf) Sherly Yuliana, representative of the Area Management Unit (UPK) Irfal Guci Tua Old Town, Journalist Dudy Oskandar, Indra Diwangkara from Jakarta Good Guide and Diah Krisna from PEAK Destination Management Company (DMC) as a panelist.
"On 25 October 2021, Indonesia Hidden Heritage Week 2021 has raised the theme of discussion on the development of heritage cities. It's great today that we can segmented talk about one of the extraordinary heritage cities, Jakarta, which is the main gateway for the introduction of Indonesia to the world, other than Bali,"said Founder of Indonesia Hidden Heritage and Executive Director of Indonesia Hidden Heritage Week 2021, Nofa Farida Lestari.
Through activities that contain dialogue, This participatory discussion and exchange of opinions between stakeholders and the community is expected to gain understanding and solutions in developing the potential of heritage tourism in West Jakarta..
The discussion forum was opened with an explanation from the Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Sub-department Sherly Yuliana. According to Sherly, The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has designed Kota Tua as an economically sustainable international historical tourist destination, socio-cultural, and environment.
“The Old Town is also being managed as a livable cultural heritage conservation area, low emission and tourist friendly that supports mixed functions of residential, office, trading, recreation and tourism. To make it happen, government can't run alone. Need to involve stakeholders, especially the community to help promote the Old Town Area,said Sherly.
Sherly also explained that the plan to develop tourist destination areas in DKI Jakarta Province will focus on two main things, that is placemaking urban areas in each administrative city area and the reopening of tourist destinations gradually adjusting to the COVID-19 pandemic situation.
Placemaking as part of the urban area revitalization strategy covering the Kota Tua and Glodok areas which are implemented by increasing the cleanliness standards of Kota Tua, activation acceleration event, narration and creation of electronic displays, beautification of the Old Town Area through the installation of furniture on the street, art installations and garden lights, as well as the revitalization of other old buildings.
Period activation plan 2021-2022 consists of organizing Jazz Goes to Kota Tua, Doeloe Tempo Festival, Weekend performances in the Old Town, JIPFest Old Town and Familiarization Trip.
While organizing the Old City as an international historical tourist destination, The government is trying to revive the tourism sector affected by the pandemic with a focus on attracting local tourists to visit the Old City Area.
Seeing the Tourism Potential of West Jakarta
The Head of the Parekraf Sub-department, Sherly Yuliana, revealed that West Jakarta does not only have the Old City as a tourist destination. “There is also urban tourism, recreational parks and heritage tourism, educative and culinary that can boost the creative economy,"explained Sherly.
Apart from Old Town, Other tourist destinations in West Jakarta that have the potential to be developed include the Srengseng City Forest, Cattleya Park in Kebon Jeruk District, Tribeca Park in Central Park, Masjid An Nawir Pekojan, Al-Anwar Angke Mosque, Zion's Church, Church of Santa Maria, Vihara Dharma Bhakti, and the National Archives.
The Old Town area is the largest urban heritage area in the world 139 the hectare 35 hectares located in Taman Sari and Tambora, West Jakarta, and some in North Jakarta Penjaringan. The challenge is that currently there has been a degradation of the physical building of a historic building due to being neglected by the owner so that the condition is neglected, damaged, some have even been razed to the ground.
The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is committed to maintaining the preservation of historic buildings to revive the potential for historical tourism so that the tourism sector can bounce back after the pandemic.
Completing Sherly's presentation, Irfal Guci from the Area Management Unit (UPK) The Kota Tua area describes the tourism potential of Kota Tua which consists of museum tours, religion, culinary and shopping, old building, and nautical. Another tourism potential is Onrust Island, Cipir and Kelor, Onthel sepeda bike, The revitalized Kali Besar, and the Jagur Cannon.
“So far there are seven museums in the Old Town which are very good,Said Irfal. The seven museums are the Marine Museum, Ceramic Art, Puppet, History of Jakarta, Mandiri Bank, Bank Indonesia and 3D. Current development, The closest to the old city is the arrangement of the Jakarta Kota Station which is estimated to be completed 2025.
The discussion also presented a market point of view, represented by Indra Diwangkara from the Jakarta Good Guide and Diah Krisna from PEAK DMC.
“The Old Town area is managed by two different agencies, We really hope that as tour guide representatives there is a synchronization of policies between the two services,said Indra.
Apart from that, Indra also shared his experience regarding the friendliness of the security officers which has decreased since the Old Town area was managed by two different agencies.
Meanwhile, Diah conveyed his message so that the information received by the destination management company was in accordance with the practice in the field so that tour guides could provide accurate explanations to tourists.
From the media, Dudi Oskandar as a journalist expressed his opinion regarding the uneven development of heritage city areas between the capital and the regions. “The development of the old city in the regions is not as fast as in Jakarta," he said.
According to Dudi, the local government does not yet have a commitment to promote the tourism sector based on history and culture so that the management of this field is not supported by good budgets and human resources and ends up becoming a slum area..
Other media representatives, Dewi Caprianita shared her views on the role of the media in preserving and promoting Kota Tua through the news. He also suggested the need for souvenirs that support the existence of heritage cities among foreign tourists.
Responding to messages from destination management service providers, tour guide and media, Head of the Cultural Protection Division of the DKI Jakarta Culture Service, Norviadi Setio Husodo, said that efforts to develop and promote Kota Tua need collaboration with stakeholders because the government cannot run alone.. "There needs to be support from the private sector in managing the Old City area"," he concluded.
About Indonesia Hidden Heritage
Indonesia Hidden Heritage (IHH) is a creative hub founded by Nofa Farida Lestari and Sriwulantuty R O. Since it was founded on 10 November 2018, IHH actively carries out various activities to develop and promote heritage tourism destinations in Indonesia. Through various creative and collaborative programs, IHH aims to strengthen the professionalism of Heritage Tourism management by paying attention to tourism trends that are developing dynamically and increasing tourist interest and visits to heritage tourism destinations.. All programs and information related to Indonesia Hidden Heritage Week 2021 can be accessed through the Indonesia Hidden Heritage Facebook page and Instagram @indonesiahiddenheritage and the IHH channel at www.traveldiva.id
Contact Media :
Rina Garmina
Media Relations Manager
[HP] 08578.0230.329
[E] r.rina.garmina@gmail.com