JAKARTA, 22 October 2021 – Kreatif Hub Indonesia Hidden Heritage (IHH), held a virtual festival Indonesia Hidden Heritage Week (IHHW) 2021 on 21-30 October 2021. This festival is IHH's effort to support the declaration 2021, The Year of the Awakening of Tourism and Creative Economy by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno as well as an effort to encourage an increase in historical and cultural tourist attractions. IHHW opens on Thursday, 21 October 2021 by a representative from the Presidential Staff Office (KSP), Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy), Ministry of Education and Culture (Ministry of Education and Culture) and the Ministry of Research and Technology (Ministry of Research and Technology).

Festival Indonesia Hidden Heritage Week 2021 bring more than 50 program in 10 day as well as involve 100 panelists from home and abroad. On the first day of IHHW 2021 filled with a series of virtual events in the form of webinars entitled 'World Heritage Sites in Indonesia', virtual tour 'Ombilin Coal Mining Site' and 'Culinary Tour of Papua Land'. “Thank you for being included in the Indonesia Hidden Heritage Week festival 2021. According to our, This form of event is ideal for the government and the community, especially in the development of Indonesia's cultural tourism potential," said the Main Expert of Deputy II of the Presidential Staff Office, Agung Hardjono while giving a speech on Thursday, 21 October 2021.
The development of heritage tourism potential cannot be separated from efforts to promote culture. This is regulated in PP 87 Year 2021 on the Implementation of the Law 5 Year 2017 about Cultural Development. Agung mentioned this law as a guide in advancing national culture in the midst of world civilization. Recently, KSP has often received input so that the government can pay more attention to the governance of cultural sites.
Same with Agung, Director of Human Resources and Cultural Institutions Judi Wahjudin said the Ministry of Education and Culture supports the implementation of IHHW 2021. “We support this activity because basically, These heritage sites are world assets and are recognized by UNESCO so that they can become references throughout the world,"said the Director of Manpower Development and Cultural Institutions Kemendikbud, Gambling Wahjudin.
Meanwhile, the Deputy for Tourism Products and Organizers of the Regional Creative Economy Agency, Rizki Handayani Mustafa said that the development of historical tourism is one of the priorities of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. “Heritage must be preserved because there are historical aspects that must be respected. Tourism also has an educational and appreciation aspect. We expect cities in Indonesia to have heritage-based characteristics,”Said Rizki.
Rizki added, preservation of heritage tourism requires interest (passion) as well as narratives that can be used as training materials for tour guides so that they can support the government's efforts to attract foreign tourists to Indonesia.
Through the Indonesia Hidden Heritage Week Festival 2021 involving stakeholders in the tourism sector, Indonesia Hidden Heritage as a creative hub hopes to open collaboration access as well as be part of the promotion of heritage tourism. “Showing historical and cultural products in the form of festivals is a tourist product that is no less interesting than other tourist destinations such as nature and religious tourism.,”Said Nofa Farida Lestari, Founder and Executive Director of Indonesia Hidden Heritage.
According to Nofa, Indonesia Hidden Heritage Week is different from other tourist festivals. IHHW not only displays various historical tourist destinations in Indonesia, but also facilitate discussion between stakeholders (stakeholder) as well as providing opportunities for local heritage tourism activists to network and collaborate with each other.
"Usually, heritage tourism activist (community) locals run independently or maybe only with one area. In this IHHW they can also meet with various parties, start fellow activists from other cities, local governments to large travel markets such as Tiket.com and Traveloka,”Explained Nofa.
The attachment of the historical value of regional culture to a tourist destination has an interesting uniqueness to visit. This festival is expected not only to be enjoyed as entertainment, but also provide an aesthetic experience and become a space for discussion and cultural history education for every government, society as well as all stakeholders.
This festival represents the wealth of heritage tourism as a whole through a webinar, talk shows and virtual tours highlighting world heritage sites in Indonesia, nostalgia for old post offices, as well as potential tourist destinations in the outer islands. IHHW 2021 also opens up space for enriching insights from sharing stories with the director of the Westfries Museum in the Netherlands, director of The National Museum and Research Center of Altamira Spain and Curator of the National Railway Museum Australia.
IHH is committed to holding IHHW regularly every year in the hope of encouraging stakeholders to jointly build positive narratives to encourage the development and promotion of heritage tourism and provide economic benefits for all parties., especially the locals.
On the second day, Friday 22 October 2021, Indonesia Hidden Heritage Week was enlivened with the talkshow 'Museum & Gallery Live Talk: from the Post Museum with Love' on Instagram @indonesiahiddenheritage at 10.00-11.00 WIB, ‘Explore the Story 10 Old Post Office in Indonesia' at 11.00-12.00 WIB, ‘Community Meet: Travel Your City Heritage' via Zoom on 15.00-16.00 WIB. At the same hour there will be a ‘Hobbyist Talk: Stamps & The Most Unique Postcard in Indonesia' on IG Live @indonesiahiddenheritage. Then followed by 'Online Workshop: Heritage Sketching ’class on the clock 16.00-17.00 WIB. The series of activities on the second day ended with 'Nobar Film Love Letters for Kartini' at 19.00-21.00 WIB. All activities are open to the public and free of charge without registration fees.
About Indonesia Hidden Heritage
Indonesia Hidden Heritage (IHH) is a creative hub founded by Nofa Farida Lestari and Sriwulantuty R O. Since it was founded on 10 November 2018, IHH actively carries out various activities to develop and promote heritage tourism destinations in Indonesia. Through various creative and collaborative programs, IHH aims to strengthen the professionalism of Heritage Tourism management by paying attention to tourism trends that are developing dynamically and increasing tourist interest and visits to heritage tourism destinations..
All programs and information related to Indonesia Hidden Heritage Week 2021 can be accessed through the Indonesia Hidden Heritage Facebook page and Instagram @indonesiahiddenheritage and the IHH channel at www.traveldiva.id
Contact Media :
Rina Garmina
Media Relations Manager
[HP] 08578.0230.329
[E] r.rina.garmina@gmail.com