Destinasi Wisata

Traveldiva – Indonesia has won a prestigious award as a friendly tourist destination Muslim best in years 2024. This achievement is clear evidence of the serious efforts of the government and tourism industry players in developing the halal tourism segment. This title is a new milestone in increasing Muslim tourist visits, and have a significant impact on Indonesia's creative economy.

Indonesia's journey to this position was not easy. Through the hard work of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Ministry of Tourism), various initiatives have been launched to strengthen Muslim-friendly tourism infrastructure. Starting from improving halal accommodation facilities to promotions focused on this market segment, These steps have succeeded in strengthening Indonesia's image as a tourist destination that pays attention to the needs of Muslim tourists.

One of the main factors behind this success is the concept of inclusiveness applied in tourism development. Indonesia has succeeded in creating an environment that welcomes all types of tourists, including those who practice certain religious practices. Thus, not only creates a memorable experience for Muslim tourists, but also attracts interest from tourists from various cultural and religious backgrounds.

The Ministry of Tourism itself has collaborated with various related parties, ranging from local entrepreneurs to religious institutions, to support the development of Muslim-friendly tourism. This synergy between the public and private sectors has had a significant positive impact, both in terms of increasing tourist visits and regional economic growth.

Award as the best Muslim friendly tourist destination of the year 2024 not just performance alone, but also a motivation to continue to improve the standards of tourism services and facilities. Indonesia has great potential to continue to develop in the tourism industry, especially in the halal tourism segment which is increasingly in demand globally.

With this success, Indonesia is also increasingly emphasizing its position as one of the leading tourist destinations in Southeast Asia. Indonesia's halal tourism potential is becoming increasingly attractive to the international market, increasingly recognizing the importance of paying attention to the special needs of Muslim tourists.

Not only does it bring economic benefits, This title also has a positive impact in terms of country promotion. Indonesia's image as the best Muslim-friendly tourist destination will open up new opportunities to attract investment, increase international cooperation, and expanding the tourism export market.

Thus, Indonesia has proven that its vision to become the best Muslim-friendly tourist destination is not just a dream. Through hard work, commitment, and cross-sector collaboration, Indonesia succeeded in winning the title, marking a remarkable achievement in delivering an inclusive and meaningful tourism experience for all.


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