
For the revival of the tourism sector and the creative economy during the pandemic, various efforts were launched, One of them is strengthening health protocols, socialization, to education.

Cited page,, This was conveyed by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno that his party has continuously implemented strict and disciplined health protocols in destinations as well as creative economy centers.. Likewise with the CHSE certification step which is integrated with PeduliLindungi.

“Percepatan vaksinasi di desa-desa wisata dan juga destinasi wisata unggulan serta sentra ekonomi kreatif, We have to keep pushing this,said Sandiaga Uno.

Sandiaga continued, His party also collaborates with the local Covid-19 Task Force to evaluate and monitor in detail every week, regarding the involvement of the general public, community leaders, religious figures, influence, YouTubers and social media actors.

“Pemerintah tidak bisa mengawasi sendiri, people who help oversee campaigning for health protocols in all tourist destinations and creative economy centers so that their families are protected,"He added.

Sandi also added that remembering 34 million jobs in this sector depend on income in the tourism sector and the creative economy.

“Jadi kami betul-betul menjaga, we don't want to lose our best momentum. Because there are more than two million tourism and creative economy actors who are really experiencing concerns in Indonesia 1,5 this last year," he explained.

other than that, application of Cleanliness, Health, Safety, Environment Sustainability (CHSE) also done collaboratively. Sandiaga Uno said this was also known as gold standard.

Where this certification is the one that covers the health protocol, safety, environmental hygiene and sustainability. “Jadi ini secara holistik kita sertifikasi dan kita integrasikan ke PeduliLindungi dan kita akan terus menyosialisasikan,”lanjut Sandi.

Sandi also said that this effort is a common standard to provide a sense of security and comfort for tourists. It also accelerates vaccination, we prepare scenarios for the opening of tourism.

“Dengan meng-up skill and re-skill from the tourism workforce so that they can carry out tourism and creative economic activities with gold standard this,"He added.

Previous, Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) DKI Jakarta rejects the planned certification policy Cleanliness, Health, Safety, Environment Sustainability (CHSE) for hotel and restaurant sector players. With the reason that businessmen in the field are trying to rise from adversity due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Regarding this, General Chairperson of Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Entrepreneurs (PHRI) Hariyadi Sukamdani also shared his response. “Bukannya kita menolak CHSE sebagai panduan, which we reject when this time becomes mandatory and tell to pay,” ungkap Hariyadi.

“Dari awal kami bicara dengan teman-teman dari negara-negara lain di Global Tourism Forum, we're talking about verification, not certified,"He added.

Read it too, Already Have CHSE Certification, These are the Destinations You Must Visit in Bali


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