Although previously the PeduliLindung application has been used in the Mall, place of worship, and public transportation, Currently, it is certain that it will be expanded to the entire tourism sector and the creative economy, especially for Hotel, Restaurant, dan Kafe.
Cited page,, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno delivered, “All tourism business sectors and the creative economy will be integrated into the PeduliLindung application and the results of this interim report show a graph that is quite satisfactory.. We (will) continue to socialize so that the understanding and use of PeduliLindung is further expanded in hotels, restaurant, kafe.”
He added, temporary monitoring results show that the QR code (QR code) not used properly. Therefore, His party will also socialize the use of QR codes.

The piloting phase will be held in four cities, that is Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, and Surabaya with the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenko Marves) as well as several related ministries/agencies.
other than that, it is also working with PUTRI (Indonesian Recreational Park Business Association) and ARKI (Indonesian Family Recreation Association) in preparation for piloting in those four cities.
Nah, Meanwhile, for the PeduliLindung application filtering system, it plans to use four user conditions filtering in the PeduliLindung application..
“We will use filtering four user conditions or color code. So the color code is green, yellow, red, black – there was no black, but now added black for those who have not been vaccinated (Covid-19) and are still active and indicated close contact with Covid-19,” clear.
Keep in mind that only users with green and yellow colors are allowed to enter, while red and black will be enabled to become green and yellow.
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