The Bali turtle is expected to become a leading destination that has the potential to generate economic growth and create jobs. During his visit to Bali, Menparekraf Sandiaga while visiting the Bali Tortoise. Then mention that currently the Bali Turtle is located on Serangan Island, currently under development to support the achievement of sustainable development targets. “Hari ini kita melihat bagaimana kesiapan pariwisata berbasis kualitas dan keberlanjutan lingkungan. And this will be built with principles that promote harmony between nature, man, and the creator,"He said.

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy/Head of Tourism and Creative Economy Agency, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, conveyed that the construction at the Bali Turtle uses environmentally friendly materials, thus promoting environmental sustainability. The material used is said to be a non-chemical material and completely from nature itself, The point is that the material used will not be environmentally friendly. Therefore, The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy will support the development of the Bali Tortoise conservation so that it can become a leading tourist destination in Bali.

From what Sandiaga said , he will also continue to support so that the Bali tortoise can become a leading destination for economic revival. “Kita akan support yang akan kita berikan, in order to support, The tasks of various deputies at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy have been given. Hopefully it can be realized and realized, and hopefully this Bali turtle can become a leading destination that really prioritizes environmental sustainability,"He said.

The turtle conservation center on Serangan Island is located on Jalan Tukad Wisata, No 4, Attack Village, South Denpasar – Bali. Efforts are being made to relocate turtle nests by taking their eggs and moving them to a captivity to avoid other predators such as snakes., birds and crabs, or even acts of theft by humans.

At the Denpasar turtle conservation center, after the age of the tortoise is sufficient, then they will be returned to their natural habitat to the open sea, only a few are placed in captivity for research purposes, education and tourism. Likewise adults after age 20 year must be released into the wild.

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