Photo: virtual traveling

The number of tours that are closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic makes your traveling list completely delayed. But with the rise of virtual travel or virtual tour now it can be an alternative to Diva traveling for a vacation.

Past virtual tour Diva traveling will get a different traveling experience and interesting knowledge, you know!

Read it too, Pandemic Resistant Vacation Plans? Come on, Virtual Walking Tour on This YouTube Channel!

Nah, to follow virtual tour this, You can visit the following five sites below, of!

History Tour

5 Situs Virtual Tour untuk Liburan Gokilmu, Anti Mainstream!
Virtual tour of the National Museum (

For a traveling Diva who loves historical travel, The Indonesian Museum provides a virtual journey through the site,, managed by the National Museum of Indonesia.

You can also see the collection of historical objects in it besides going around the museum area.

What's more fun, on the site not only provides a portrait of the museum area, but also audio that allows you to listen to an explanatory narration of the collectibles being viewed, you know!

Apart from walking around the museum, Diva traveling will also gain new knowledge after this virtual trip to the National Museum.

Around Indonesia

Virtual tour around Indonesia (

Cobain, Let's take a trip to the country first. By visiting the site this, Diva traveling can visit many destinations, you know!

Not just looking at photos, virtual trips in several Indonesian destinations already display high-resolution images plus 360 degrees that help Diva traveling to experience a more real journey.

Nah, for those of you who have VR glasses, Indonesia Virtual Tour also has features to make your virtual journey even more fun, okay!

Travel to South Korea

virtual tour di Visit Korea (

Diva traveling has a dream of vacationing in South Korea? Nah, before it is done you can do virtual tour first through the site,

Not just one destination, in Visit Korea it provides content virtual tour thematic, you know For example, Diva traveling wants to trace historical places in South Korea which are often the location for shooting colossal dramas. You just choose the content of #K-DRAMA TOUR.

Or you want to take a beautiful walk around Namsan Tower and see the beautiful view of Seoul City at night? Just choose the #NIGHT TOUR content.

Japan Travel

Nah, if Diva traveling wants to travel to Japan, You can visit the Visit Japan YouTube channel. Through video content on the Visit Japan channel, there is a lot of content for Japanese tourist destinations that you can see.

Starting from cultural tourism, history, to culinary that can make your eyes hungry, okay! The cinematography and visuals shown in the video are really beautiful too.

Oh, of! It's not just an ordinary video that's shown, The traveling diva can enjoy the atmosphere of traveling in Japan through her 360 videos. You can use VR glasses to feel the sensation of a more real trip.

World History Tour

virtual tour of the British Museum (

Content virtual tour presented by the British Museum will also be very exciting, okay! Collaborate with Google, The British Museum provides a special site for traveling Divas who really like world history.

Traveling divas can read articles via who can take you on a tour of the legendary British Museum at the same time.

other than that, The simple appearance of the site will also make you feel at home for a long time walking there.

How is Diva traveling, exciting, can? You don't need to buy a ticket, make a visa, or pay for transportation, you know simply by visiting the site for a tour inside the British Museum.

Read it too, Not Only Virtual Tour, You Can Shop Souvenirs in Japan!


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